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Welcome to 6 th Grade Open House September 3, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade Open House September 3, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Open House September 3, 2015

2 Meet Miss Capuzzi  graduated from Washington & Jefferson College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Child Development  certified to teach elementary K-6  graduated from Waynesburg University with a Certification in Special Education  certified to teach special education N-12  graduated from University of Pittsburgh with a Master’s Degree in Education and certification as a reading specialist  certified in Reading Education K-12  Master’s Degree in School Counseling (Dec. 2013) and pursing a Ph.D in Counseling (expected 2017)  certified K-12 school counselor

3 Miss Capuzzi’s Background  This is my 9 th year teaching and 7 th year at Mt. View Elementary School.  I have taught third grade, fifth grade, and sixth grade.  Please see my website for additional information-  My email is  Phone number 724-834-7388

4 GLSD Website and Links   This site can be used to find my teacher page which includes my homework page and links to Story Town and Go Math!  Check our teacher pages for useful, fun websites.   student login (first 4 letters first name first 4 letters last name)  student password gL(lunch number)

5 Who are your child’s teachers? -Miss Marissa Capuzzi (ELA) -Mrs. Karen LaPresti (Social Studies/ELA) -Mr. Rick Zavatsky (Math/Science)

6 Classroom Expectations I expect… Students to try their best. Students to respect each other, their teachers, and belongings. Students to complete their work neatly and on time. Students to be organized including: – checking their “mailbox” – using their assignment notebook – keeping their binder organized – knowing their schedule/routine

7 Classroom Rules o Follow directions the first time they are given. o Raise you hand before speaking. o Bring all your materials to class. o Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. *Our rules keep us safe and allow us to learn together!

8 Home-School Connection  We need you! We are a team-student, teacher, and family.  You can volunteer:  becoming a VIP  We could use volunteers to punch holes, staple, and more!  sharing with our classes  sending in supplies (tissues, sandwich baggies, Clorox wipes, etc.).  assisting with the 6 th grade dance **Remember, clearances are needed to help at school or school functions like field trips or Olympic Day!  Help your child at home by checking their assignment book and our websites for updates, reminders, and homework.  Read with your child! We have “Baggy Books” and ORF’s to improve reading fluency and confidence!

9 Remind 101 HAC See Mrs. Baker if you need help accessing the HOME ACCESS CENTER. Grades will be posted and updated for you and your child to see.

10 Tutoring  Tutoring begins on Thursday, Oct. 1 st.  Tutoring is most Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 8:35.  Students will be able to make-up work and ask for help.  Everyone is “invited” to attend. Your child can come whenever he/she needs extra help.

11 Conferences  Conferences will be held in November on an “as needed” basis. You will receive more information closer to this time. Thanks for your cooperation.

12 6 th Grade Camp  An informational session will be held on September 24 th at 7pm at the CSC.  See attached page for additional information.

13 Scavenger Hunt  Have your child show you our room using our scavenger hunt sheet.  Be sure to visit with our encore teachers, nurses, guidance counselor, speech teacher, or support staff since they will be discussing important information as well.  Don’t forget to visit the Spirit Wear Sale!  Thanks for coming! We appreciate your support!

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