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Tekes Programme on Safety and Security Miranda Saarentaus National Sector Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Tekes Programme on Safety and Security Miranda Saarentaus National Sector Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tekes Programme on Safety and Security Miranda Saarentaus National Sector Coordinator

2 Scope of the programme SecuritySafety = + Turvallisuus

3 Market growth exceeds the average Total target market value safety and security combined was 96 Billion Euro 2007, out of which: USA 21 B € Sweden 2.6 B € Russia, since 2000, 840 M € Value of products and services produced by companies in 2005 was appr. 1 B € Russia 25% yearly General growth of the sector 7% in year 2006 Source: Gaia consulting

4 PROGRAM MISSION ‘To enable Growth in the Finnish Safety and Security Business’

5 Angles of approach National Safety and Security Corporate and Industrial Safety and Security Citizens Safety and Security CORPORATIONS SECTOR ASSOCIATIONS AUTHORITIES RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS The Program

6 Funding structure The table above contains rounding error based inaccuracies

7 How to participate? Apply for Project Funding  Continuous open call for enterprises  Scheduled calls for research institutions Benefit from the wide range of Programme Services  Assistance do develop project ideas into fundable projects  Studies & surveys on markets, trends, legislation  Workshops to get networked and to develop group project specifications  International networking and match making for EU projects

8 International aspects Program will be strongly linked to international research and global markets USA, EU, JP, Russia Group projects encouraged Strong linkage with FP7 activities ESRAB mission/capabilities approach Complementary to EU wide research National research interest vs. EU- interests E.g. safety & services Research and review of international markets, trends, legislation and activities Funding of activities to help companies Activities to focus & guide the program Company group projects encouraged International link is a key criteria for project funding

9 For more information Tekes technology program website Program manager: Mikko Moisio Program coordinator: Pekka Nykänen Sector coordinator Corporate and Industrial: Lauri Aikala Sector coordinator National: Miranda Saarentaus Sector coordinator Citizens: Hannu Helkiö

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