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The School’s Research Environment Anne Mills Deputy Director and Provost Improving health worldwide

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1 The School’s Research Environment Anne Mills Deputy Director and Provost Improving health worldwide

2 Research is at heart of School Research is part of our mission: ‘to improve health and health equity in the UK and worldwide; working in partnership to achieve excellence in public and global health research........’ Our research environment must ensure we are internationally excellent, including in RD training The School has a strong global reputation: e.g. World’s top research-focused graduate school (THE ranking) First in Europe and 6 th in world for research impact (Leiden rankings) Noguchi award (Greenwood 2008, Piot 2012); Gates Foundation Global Health Award 2009

3 Research performance One of the most research intensive universities in the UK (higher volume of research income than many Russell Group Universities) Highest research grant income per FTE in UK in field of clinical medicine Top in UK and second in world for proportion of papers published with researchers from outside the UK Papers highly cited

4 Clinical Medicine

5 Public Health

6 Research quality Quality of research judged by assessment of: research outputs (papers etc) research environment (including RD completions) Impact of research – on policy, practice, society etc Great emphasis placed on ensuring a supportive research environment, including helping ensure completion of research, publication of research findings and take- up of research findings

7 What makes a supportive research environment? Availability of advice on both area of research and relevant disciplines Mechanisms for cross-disciplinary interactions (e.g. School Centres) Frequent high quality seminars and lectures from School and visiting faculty Excellent back-up from IT, library etc Strong research governance processes Worldwide partnerships to connect you with what is going on

8 Not just London… Research collaborations with over 100 countries, in all continents Students from around 120 countries and staff of around 45 nationalities Over 100 staff working overseas and senior staff based long-term in overseas partner institutions

9 London International Development Centre Five specialist University of London Colleges with research and teaching in international development Aims to: develop high quality interdisciplinary research develop new and innovative teaching programmes inform national and international policies on development build capacity and partnerships in low- and middle-income countries

10 The breadth of School research

11 Finally... Enjoy yourself! Exploit the opportunities – find out what is going on Form long term relationships that will continue to support you after your research degree

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