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Nutrient Management Planning. 2 N Nitrogen P Phosphorus K Potassium ………NO 3 Nitrate ………P 2 O 5 Phosphate ………K 2 O Potash ……… Nutrients needed by grass.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrient Management Planning. 2 N Nitrogen P Phosphorus K Potassium ………NO 3 Nitrate ………P 2 O 5 Phosphate ………K 2 O Potash ……… Nutrients needed by grass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrient Management Planning

2 2 N Nitrogen P Phosphorus K Potassium ………NO 3 Nitrate ………P 2 O 5 Phosphate ………K 2 O Potash ……… Nutrients needed by grass and crops for growth

3 3 Nutrient Management Planning Getting the balance right! Nutrients In Nutrients Out

4 4 Why manage nutrients? 1. Potential to reduce fertiliser costs 2. Protect the environment 3. Meet Nitrates Directive requirements

5 5 2. Protect the environment Nutrient loss – phosphates and nitrates 1.Slurry & fertiliser runoff 2.Leaching through the soil 3.Soil particle loss Causes nutrient enrichment (eutrophication)

6 6 3. Meet Nitrates Directive requirements Must show that any chemical P fertiliser used is needed by the crop: –Soil Analysis –P recommendation for the crop Must show that any chemical N fertiliser that is used for crops other than grass is needed by the crop: –Soil N supply index –N recommendation for the crop

7 7 Step 1 - Soil sample Step 2 - What does the soil analysis mean? Step 3 - Estimate Nitrogen requirements Step 4 - What nutrients does the crop require? Step 5 - How much nutrient can be supplied by organic manures? Step 6 - Which chemical fertiliser can supply the remaining nutrients required C. How is it done?

8 8 Soil Valuable source often overlooked. Amount of nutrients depends on soil type, rainfall and previous management How to find out what’s in soil? − Soil sampling − Soil analysis

9 9 Mr AN Other Somewhere Report generated on: 07 March 2008 Date Received: 29 February 2009 pHTextureLime RequirementPhosphorusPotassiumMagnesium Lab No./ Reference Arable t/ha (t/acre) Grass t/ha (t/acre) mg/l (index) mg/l (index) mg/l (index) 400-2008 Soil 1-19-60 Field 4 6.1SZL (Sandy silt loam) 4.00 (2.00) 0.00 (0.00) 20.0 (2) 216 (2+) 102 (3) Farm Survey & Field Number pHTextureLime requirement for arable & Grass Soil Analysis Laboratory Report

10 10 Soil pH, nutrient availability and plant growth Plant Growth Nutrient Availability

11 11 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 Potatoes Grass Cereals Soil pH range for optimum crop growth pH Lime is used to improve acidic soils (raise low pH soils)

12 12 N Requirements for some Arable crops (kg/ha) Pages 68- 69 NAP Guidance Booklet SNS1 SNS2 SNS3 W. Wheat 220 190 160 W. Barley 170140 110 W. Oats 120 90 60 W. O.S.Rape 190+30*160+30* 120 S. Barley 140110 70 S. Oats 110 70 40 S. Wheat 180150 120 F. Maize 100 50 20 * +30 in the seedbed

13 13 Step 5 -Nutrient Content of Slurry & Manure (kg/m 3 ) 6% dry matter 4% dry matter 3.21.2 2.3 6% dry matter 3.21.2 3.0 6% dry matter K20K20P205P205 N Livestock Type 181633 Broiler litter (60% Dry Matter)

14 14 This Calculation on paper for Nitrates Records Page 43

15 15 Crop Nutrient Recommendation Calculator ( Determine N, P 2 O 5 and K 2 O required by crops; Calculate the amount of nutrients supplied by organic manures, Select the correct chemical fertiliser and application rate, Retain information required for record keeping.

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31 31 How to access calculators? Go to dardni website at If not registered, click New User? Sign up now and follow instructions Once registered, click Online Services and select Secure online Services Select Farm Nutrient Management Calculators

32 32 Summary 1.N, P, K In = N, P, K Out 2.Nutrient sources soil, slurry/ manure and fertiliser 3.Make best use of nutrient sources Save money Protect the environment Meet Nitrates Directive Requirements 4.How? Soil sampling and analysis is the starting point Estimate crop needs Use slurry/manure effectively Only use fertiliser to top-up any outstanding crop needs 5.Help Crop Nutrient Recommendation Calculator Nitrates Guidance RB209 Codes of Good Agricultural Practice

33 33 Summary continued Arable crops Analyse soils for pH, P and K. Apply lime to correct low pHs, Use the computer program to: –Determine the SNS (nitrogen) index, –Calculate crop requirement, –Calculate the nutrients in slurry or manure if applied, –Select a suitable fertiliser type and rate to meet crop requirement for N, P & K, –Create a record.

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