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Vladimír Smotlacha CESNET High-speed Programmable Monitoring Adapter.

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1 Vladimír Smotlacha CESNET High-speed Programmable Monitoring Adapter

2 Standard network monitoring Methods of L3 monitoring: Real time processing - data capturing, immediate processing, results storing Offline processing - raw data storing, postprocessing Limited scalability: throughput of local bus - flow at 10 Gb/s exceeds throughput of PCI-X 64/133 CPU performance x network speed disk systems - data amount - write speed

3 Advanced network monitoring Functions of intelligent monitoring adapter: timestamps - essential for specific applications (QoS measurement) packet classification - elimination of background traffic - different processing of particular data flows on-board processing - decreasing of CPU load, reduction of stored data support of applications - specialized blocks for specified applications

4 Hardware platforms Commodity NIC - no on-board processing - inaccurate timestamping DAG cards (Endace) - DAG 4.1 - 1Gb Ethernet, no on-board processing - DAG 6.x - 10 Gb Ethernet, on-board filtering SCAMPI adapter - 10 Gb Ethernet - filtering and advanced data processing

5 Monitoring adapter developed in scope of project SCAMPI (5th Framework IST project) Based on universal COMBO6 card (designed by Cesnet and Masaryk University) Components of SCAMPI adapter: COMBO6 card - VirtexII FPGA - CAM, RAM module Daughter card with link modules (1Gb and 10 Gb Ethernet) Timestamp unit SCAMPI adapter

6 COMBO6 board

7 Monitoring applications Packet capture - basic application, capturing of selected subset of data flow Flow statistics Threshold alerting for traffic engineering QoS monitoring Security applications - DoS detection

8 Structure of adapter

9 Timestamp unit timestamp format - 64 bit fixed point - 32 number of seconds (since 1.1.1970) - 32 fraction of second (precision about 230 ps) 100 MHz clock (oscillator 10 MHz, multiplied by 10) - TCXO - temperature compensated - resolution 10 ns - 64 bytes at rate 10Gb/s ~ 50 ns controlled by PPS input (e.g. GPS receiver) - accuracy (with PPS) ~ 1 us - accuracy (with NTP) ~ 50 us - accuracy of calibrated oscillator without PPS ~ aging of quartz

10 VHDL blocks HFE (header field extractor) - extracts data from TCP/UDP and IP headers - unified header structure assembling LUP (look-up processor) - CAM matching (width 272 bits) - evaluation of conditions - programmable engine for processing of unified header fields (32 bits comparison) - result of classification - 32-bit word SAU (sampling unit) - deterministic sampling - each n-th packet is passing through - probabilistic sampling - packet is passing with probability 1/n

11 VHDL blocks (cont.) PCK (payload checker) - checks payload for defined patterns (16 bytes) - patterns aggregated into groups STU (statistic unit) - packets lengths statistic: number of packets, total length, sum of squares of lengths, min/max value - statistics of intervals between packets: number of packets, total time, sum of squares of intervals, min/max value computed statistics - length: average data rate, average length of packets, variation of packets lengths - time: total time of data flow, average inter-packet interval, variation of inter-packet interval

12 Conclusion Specialized adapter installed in standard workstation allows monitoring for speeds 10 Gb/s and more Programmable hardware (FPGA) is suitable platform for support of monitoring applications

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