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SOUTHWARK ’ S VISITING SERVICE An overview of homelessness & housing need in Southwark Jonathan Joseph, Homelessness Service 25 Bournemouth Road

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Presentation on theme: "SOUTHWARK ’ S VISITING SERVICE An overview of homelessness & housing need in Southwark Jonathan Joseph, Homelessness Service 25 Bournemouth Road"— Presentation transcript:

1 SOUTHWARK ’ S VISITING SERVICE An overview of homelessness & housing need in Southwark Jonathan Joseph, Homelessness Service 25 Bournemouth Road

2 Existing Structure

3 Facts & Figures Avg 250 new homeless applications per month (3,000 pa) 40% acceptance rate 85% of cases determined within 30 days 1300 households in temporary accommodation In excess of 12,000 households registered for housing Approx 2800 housed each year

4 Facts & Figures We receive on average 25 new homeless applications per month from 16/17 yr olds We successfully prevent homelessness in 60% of cases Introduced a mediation service provided by Relate in May Mediation is now mandatory for 16/17 yr olds Failure to attend mediation will result in TA being terminated Target to achieve 80% prevention by 03/07

5 What do we do Test their assumptions Provide a reality check Assess their living skills Undertake a risk assessment Visit parental home, provide the parent/excluder with a reality check Mandatory mediation service (parents/excluder are invited to attend)

6 Short, Sharp, Shock 28 day young person hostel Intensive support services provided 24 hour care Curfew Continuous reinforcement of the reality of being homeless

7 Other Initiatives Social Worker from 16+ team, based within the homeless service to conduct joint assessments of young people - look at risks(violence, drugs, alcohol etc), vulnerability, prior SS involvement Provide a coordinated package of care & assessment for young people.

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