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Working in Partnership to improve outcomes of Children looked after. Laurie Ward Specialist Nurse Children Looked after and Care leavers.

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Presentation on theme: "Working in Partnership to improve outcomes of Children looked after. Laurie Ward Specialist Nurse Children Looked after and Care leavers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working in Partnership to improve outcomes of Children looked after. Laurie Ward Specialist Nurse Children Looked after and Care leavers

2 CLA & Care Leaver Health Service Works in partnership with HCC children’s services to improve health outcomes for Children Looked After Signpost and support young people, carers, health & children's services staff.

3 Issues that may impact on health Children often enter care, with a worse level of health, than their peers Teenage conceptions & early parenthood Alcohol & drug misuse and other self harming risk taking activities School exclusion Being in young offender institutions & prison Being within the mental health system Being homeless Sexual exploitation

4 Statutory Health Assessments Process in place to co-ordinate administration of health assessments on behalf of HCC When a child comes into Care – Initial Health Assessment (IHA) undertaken by a Doctor. Review Health Assessments (RHA) undertaken by a nurse every 6 months under 5 years and annually up to the age of 18 years.

5 What is a Health assessment A time for the young person to have a confidential discussion with a health professional A safe environment for a young person to raise their concerns An opportunity to establish the young persons Emotional, Physical and Sexual health needs A summary and action plan developed

6 Why a school nurse? Local school nurse seeing child locally Aware of local resources Relationship with key school staff i.e. Designated teacher Continuum of care

7 Partnership support Training Support and advice CLA nurse undertake school age RHA if required The link between health and social care

8 Which of the topics discussed did you find useful?

9 Jess is a 14yr old girl who entered care at 11yrs old. Category: Full Care Order for Neglect. Parental misuse of drugs / Alcohol Initial Health Assessment by GP Review Health Assessment (1) completed by School Nurse in School. Co- Ordination difficulty & Vision problems identified School Nurse liaised with School: concerns raised by School Matron CLA Nurse Contacted by Social Worker – concerns from carer re. concentration / child talking to herself Liaison with Paediatrician Referral to Orthoptist – Glasses prescribed. Referral to School Nurse by Teachers for support around bullying. Liaison with Carer Liaison from Hospital Paediatric Liaison Nurse Re. A/E admission for fracture Review Health Assessment (2) seen in school by School Nurse Support /Contact around bullying Actions Liaise with School Nurse & Carer Home visit by CLA Nurse. (Young Persons choice of venue & time) Actions Liaison with School Nurse Referral to CAMHS by School Nurse - Social Worker aware Regular monitoring in School by School Nurse School Nurse

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