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SIGCSE 2009 : Chattanooga, TN 10:45-noon Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued.

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1 SIGCSE 2009 : Chattanooga, TN 2009-03-05 @ 10:45-noon Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued

2 (2/6) SIGCSE 2009 Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued  Grady Booch @ SIGCSE 2007  Need to articulate, emphasize the “wonder and awe” of computing  PBJA 1 session @ SIGCSE 2008  Andrew McGettrick  innovation, elegance, mystery, reading programs, simple formalism  Chris Stephenson  “wonder & awe” vs “shock & awe”; motivating tips, new curriculum  Dan Garcia  student ownership of projects, sharing passion w/group mentoring  Eric Roberts  crisis, CW, image, myths, programming vilification, importance, steps to take For those who just joined us… Grady Booch @ SIGCSE 2007

3 (3/6) SIGCSE 2009 Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued  CollegeBoard AP colloquium (2008-10)  Perhaps a new CS0  Two SIGCSE 2009 sessions on Friday to discuss future  If so, sharing PBJA key  Missing from AP A…  Rebooting Computing Summit (2009)  “Magic & Beauty of CS”  Task forces  K-8 FUNdamentals The ball kept on rolling…

4 (4/6) SIGCSE 2009 Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued  Original need driven by computing crisis  Numbers show upswing  We should ALWAYS be  looking to share PBJA  asking students what they want to learn & what inspires them  Faces of Computing  I asked my undergrad stars why they chose computing. Example  The topic is timeless…Every SIGCSE! Matt Jacobsen, UC Berkeley ‘07 “In CS we can learn new things, achieve goals, and be creative. Every day! It’s this last point that really drives me, personally. If you ask any passionate person how they can ‘___ all day long,’ it’s because that’s their outlet for being creative.”

5 (5/6) SIGCSE 2009 Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued  No (more) syntax-driven CS0/1 curriculum  Engage early w/sound, images, animation, robots, interactivity  Three words: Relevance, Relevance, Relevance  To them & to society  Share current computing events  Tap their right brain too  Show examples of beauty  Programming for fun  Let them drive the learning  Let them choose projects, end- of-term topics, partners, courses CHANGE has to come to computing!

6 (6/6) SIGCSE 2009 Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe Making Computing Fun Again, continued  We’ve come a fair way, but we’re not there yet…  Let’s all add PBJA to our course learning goals!  Let’s all carry the torch of Passion + Beauty + Joy + Awe to our students! “And in Conclusion…”

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