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Earth Day Be Kind To Our Environment. Recycle – Turn your old garbage into new products. Cardboard Glass Aluminum Paper Plastic.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Day Be Kind To Our Environment. Recycle – Turn your old garbage into new products. Cardboard Glass Aluminum Paper Plastic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Day Be Kind To Our Environment

2 Recycle – Turn your old garbage into new products. Cardboard Glass Aluminum Paper Plastic

3 Organize Your Trash Place each item in its own special bin. Cardboard Bin Newspaper Bin Plastic Bin Aluminum Bin Glass Bin

4 Deliver It! Take recyclables to your local recycling center.

5 Reuse Turn that old plastic milk jug into a bird feeder. Tin cans make excellent wind chimes. Decorate an old shoe box to use as a keepsake box. Make a funny hat out of old newspaper. Use a glass jar as a rain gauge.

6 Reduce Don’t buy it unless you REALLY need it. If you must buy it, make sure it IS recyclable.

7 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Sing to the tune Eensy Weensy Spider Reduce, Reuse, Recycle words that we all know We have to save our planet so we can live and grow. We might be only children but we will try, you’ll see And we can save this planet ~ it starts with you and me!

8 Writing Activity Write a paragraph describing how you can help take care of the Earth.

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