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Hinduism and Buddhism.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism and Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism and Buddhism

2 Hinduism Reincarnation Believed in the Caste System
3 Main gods – Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu

3 Buddhism

4 Siddhartha Gautama Born around 563BC
Wealthy Prince, good looking, married with kid In late 20s noticed the pain and suffering around him. Went on a quest to understand the meaning of life

5 Buddha Meditating under a tree he discovered the secret of life.
He became known as Buddha, which means “enlightened one.” Spent the rest of his life spreading his message

6 Principles of Buddhism
Buddhism can be seen as an effort to reform Hinduism Rejected caste system Buddha claimed anyone could reach Nirvana in this lifetime Nirvana is the end of self and a reunion with the Great World Soul

7 No God Figure Buddha made it clear that he was not a god and should not be worshipped as a god Buddhism does not have a god figure. God is a universal force.

8 Four Noble Truths 1 Ordinary life is full of suffering
2 This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves 3 The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to see others as extensions of ourselves 4 The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path

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