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Word of God, Speak! Isaiah 55:11. “Thus Saith the Lord” Returning the Value to “Thus Saith the Lord” “For just as the rain and snow fall from Heaven,

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Presentation on theme: "Word of God, Speak! Isaiah 55:11. “Thus Saith the Lord” Returning the Value to “Thus Saith the Lord” “For just as the rain and snow fall from Heaven,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of God, Speak! Isaiah 55:11

2 “Thus Saith the Lord” Returning the Value to “Thus Saith the Lord” “For just as the rain and snow fall from Heaven, and do not return there without saturating the earth and making it germinate and sprout, and providing seeds to sow, and food to eat…

3 “Thus Saith the Lord” Returning the Value to “Thus Saith the Lord” “…so my Word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.” Isaiah 55:10-11

4 Problem Problem + Answer Answer_____________ Promise Promise

5 Problem spiritual dryness Problem spiritual dryness + Answer Answer_____________ Promise Promise

6 “why do you spend money on what is not food…and your wages on what does not satisfy?” (55:2) …vain pursuits …the bread of deceit Leaving the soul dry…not fulfilled

7 Problem spiritual dryness Problem spiritual dryness + Answer Answer_____________ Promise Promise

8 Problem spiritual dryness Problem spiritual dryness + Answer Come, listen, be filled Answer Come, listen, be filled_____________ Promise Promise

9 “listen carefully, and eat what is good…enjoy the choicest food…pay attention and listen so that you may live…I will make an everlasting covenant with you…” (55:2-5) …listen / eat …choice food …everlasting covenant (55:4-5)

10 Problem spiritual dryness Problem spiritual dryness + Answer Come, listen, be filled Answer Come, listen, be filled_____________ Promise Promise

11 Problem spiritual dryness Problem spiritual dryness + Answer Come, listen, be filled Answer Come, listen, be filled_____________ Promise God’s Word Works… Promise God’s Word Works…

12 “Seek the Lord…abandon wicked ways and thoughts…for (saith the Lord) my thoughts are not your thoughts…my ways are not your ways…” (55:6-10) …God’s Word is Perfect …God’s Way is Perfect …God will Perform His Word in His Way …This is the Power of the Gospel

13 “so my Word that comes from my mouth will not return empty, but will accomplish what I desire, and will prosper in what I send it to do…” (55:11)

14 Problem spiritual dryness Problem spiritual dryness + Answer Come, listen, be filled Answer Come, listen, be filled_____________ Promise God’s Word Works… Promise God’s Word Works…

15 “so my Word that comes from my mouth will not return empty, but will accomplish what I desire, and will prosper in what I send it to do…” (55:11)

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