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Collaboration Opportunity between SKI and You Research Areas Qualification Benefits Procedures Screening Criteria  Focus areas are “Energy and Materials”

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration Opportunity between SKI and You Research Areas Qualification Benefits Procedures Screening Criteria  Focus areas are “Energy and Materials”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration Opportunity between SKI and You Research Areas Qualification Benefits Procedures Screening Criteria  Focus areas are “Energy and Materials” 1. Energy: New and Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage, and Resources Exploitation 2. Materials: Energy Materials, Information and Electronic Materials, Electric Vehicle Materials, Water Treatment Materials and Biomedical Materials  Worldwide Scientist, Engineer, Inventor & Entrepreneur  Provide an opportunity of co-research and development - Research funds when selected finally  Submit a “Research Proposal” to SK Innovation by e-mail (, ) “until May 31 - Presentation for the selected proposal at the closed session of EKC 2012 1.Dramatic Financial Impact 2.Disruptive Technology (Sustainable Competitive Advantage) 3.Commercial Application Target  Find “Breakthrough Technology”

2 One Page Proposal N eeds A pproach (BT Point) A pproach (BT Point) B enefit C ompetition  Identify the key success factor(KSF) from the opportunity analysis and present R&D target and Biz potentials. - What are Market and Customer Needs? What is the KSF of Technology and Business? Who is the final customer? Is the market large enough to invest? …  Describe the solution for the Market and Customer Needs - Define the concept of the idea to meet the target and add different points from existing concepts - Explain how to develop and/or implement the concept  Benefits and the effect to SK innovation and/or customers - Ex: Biz Potentials, Images the changed world  About the competition company/technology (1) What is it? Who has it? (2) What is the phase to develop currently? (3) What is the comparative advantages of your idea? Target  Explain ultimate goals of the idea clearly D eliverables  Plan the milestone schedule from idea to commercialization - Step: Concept / Feasibility / Research / Development / Biz Incubation - Present a period, funding, key deliverables and an evaluation criteria (show stoppers) for each step Breakthrough Technology English

3 One Page Proposal Breakthrough Technology Korean N eeds A pproach (BT Point) A pproach (BT Point) B enefit C ompetition  (1) 기회분석으로부터 (2) 핵심성공요인을 찾아내어 (3) 연구개발 Target 과 (4)Biz Potential 제시 – 시장 / 고객의 Needs 는 무엇인가 ? 기술 / 사업의 핵심성공요인은 ? 최 종 고객은 누구인가 ? 투자하기에 충분히 큰 시장인가 ?...  시장 / 고객의 Needs 에 대한 Solution 은 무엇인가 ? - Target 을 달성하기 위한 Concept 을 정의하고, 기존 대비 차별화 요소 설명 - Concept 을 구현하는 방법과 이를 어떻게 개발 / 확보할지 방안 설명  경쟁기관과 경쟁기술이 (1) 무엇이고, (2) 현재 어느 정도 기술개발 단계이며, (3) 이 들 대비 비교 우위는 무엇인가 ? Target  Project (Idea) 의 궁극적인 목표를 명료하고 간결하게 표현 D eliverables  개발부터 상업화까지 단계별 / 전체 일정 계획 - Concept / Feasibility / Research / Development / Biz Incubation - 각 단계별 기간 / 연구비 / 핵심 산출물 / 평가 기준 (Show Stoppers)  이러한 Approach 를 통해 SK 이노베이션 및 고객에게 기대되는 이익 및 파급효과 - 어떻게 세상이 달라지고, 얼마나 돈을 벌고 ( 매출 Potential 등 ).

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