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Introduction Conversion of available DC source into AC of variable frequency is accomplished by force commutated inverters. The frequency of AC at output.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Conversion of available DC source into AC of variable frequency is accomplished by force commutated inverters. The frequency of AC at output."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Conversion of available DC source into AC of variable frequency is accomplished by force commutated inverters. The frequency of AC at output can be varied by controlling the conduction period of thyristors. Output voltage of inverter has periodic waveform that is not sinusoidal but can be made to closely approximate this desired waveform. Inverters are used in industrial applications, including speed control of induction and synchronous motor, aircraft power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and high-voltage DC transmision.

3 Half-Bridge Inverter

4 Square-wave output Step-wave output

5 Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)

6 Half-Bridge VSI

7 Example 10.1

8 Full-Bridge VSI State S1 S2 S3 S4 Output Voltage 1 On Off +E 2 -E 3 4


10 Square-Wave output With Inductive RL load

11 Step-Wave output

12 Inverter Voltage Control Techniques
1- Control of DC input voltage supplied to the inverter 2- Control of AC output voltage of the inverter 3- Control of the voltage within the inverter

13 Pulse-Width Modulation

14 (A) Single Pulse-Width Modulation

15 (B) Multiple Pulse-Width Modulation
Variable duty cycle with m= 5 m= 2 m= 3

16 (C) Sinusoidal Pulse-Width Modulation


18 PWM Inverters Single-phase Full-Bridge Inverters

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