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27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw1 Strategy on Sustainable Development of the Warsaw Transport System Tamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw.

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Presentation on theme: "27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw1 Strategy on Sustainable Development of the Warsaw Transport System Tamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw1 Strategy on Sustainable Development of the Warsaw Transport System Tamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw

2 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw2 Reasons to develop the Strategy 1.Need of a planned and sustainable development of the transport system 2.Negative effects of the growth of the individual motorisation 3.Use of EU structural funds

3 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw3 Fundaments of the Strategy City Transport Policy from 1995 Study on grounds and directions of the spatial management (main spatial planning document due to Polish law), 2006 Strategy of the city development to 2020

4 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw4 Parts of the Strategy 1.Diagnosis of the currant status 2.SWOT analisis 3.Transport policy 4.Sustainable transport development plan 5.Rules of dissemination and indicators + Ecological impact analysis

5 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw5 Goals of the strategy Diagnosis: provides actual information of the current situation Transport policy: sets general and specific objectives Transport development plan: defines particular tasks to fulfill

6 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw6 Tasks of the transport development plan concerning PT

7 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw7 1. Setting up a common metropolitan transport authority At the moment bilateral agreements with >30 municipalities Plan to set up a common coordinating, organizing and controlling entity on the metropolitan level

8 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw8 2. Modernization and development of the tram system 2008 – centenario of the Warsaw trams Huge need on modernization Main tracks modernized from EU funds 2007- 2015 (4 projects)

9 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw9

10 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw10 3. Further development of the metro system The first metro line was ended in October, 2008 Soon the building of the second line should begin In first step: central part

11 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw11

12 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw12 4. Improvement of the railway transport Bringing together the railways with other means of transport New railway stations, system of a local railway

13 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw13 5. Integration of different transport subsystems Fare integration with the railways Functional integration – intermodal junctions, route network adjusting Timetable integration Organizational integration

14 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw14 6. Development of the city and suburban bus transport More traffic priority Low-emission buses

15 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw15 7. Modernization of the tram and bus rolling stock 30% of the buses do not meet any modern quality standards – 500 new buses to buy until 2012 50% of the tram rolling stock is older than 20 years – replacement until 2016 The largest recent procurement on new tram cars has just ended – 186 new 100% low-floor trams will be provided until 2013

16 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw16

17 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw17 8. Rationalization of the route network Setting up a network of main routes with guaranteed high frequency and high rolling stock quality Better adjusting the supply to the demand

18 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw18 Other parts of the transport development plan Road network development plan –Includes restrictions in individual mobility in the centre and the possibility to set up a congestion charge Increase of the safety on the roads Cycling transport development plan

19 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw19 Road to the implementation Coordination: Road and Transportation Department of the Warsaw City Hall 2007: Setting up the first draft of the Strategy (Authors: Group of experts from the Warsaw Technology University) 2008: Public consultations 2009: Acceptation by the City Council (May/June)

20 Public consultations 2 meetings: with NGOs and with inhabitants 205 written proposals received, where 702 remarks were identified 266 remarks were adopted, 436 declined Most remarks on public transport 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw20

21 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw21 Difficulties and experiences Implementation has not began yet, because the legislation process is much longer than expected →Need to plan more time for this process!

22 27.04.2009, ValenciaTamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw22 Thank you for your attention! Tamás Dombi ZTM Warsaw

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