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TAC 3-3-11 Meeting Update. Board Update and TAC Voting Item Kenan Ogelman, Vice Chair of TAC gave the Board Update. It included recommendation that TAC.

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Presentation on theme: "TAC 3-3-11 Meeting Update. Board Update and TAC Voting Item Kenan Ogelman, Vice Chair of TAC gave the Board Update. It included recommendation that TAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAC 3-3-11 Meeting Update

2 Board Update and TAC Voting Item Kenan Ogelman, Vice Chair of TAC gave the Board Update. It included recommendation that TAC address the Feb 2011 Significant Weather events that led to outages. TAC Members voted to create a Task Force to review ERCOT Market Rules to determine if changes are needed in order to minimize the risk of the outages for future significant weather events. NOTE! The vote was not unanimous.

3 PRS Update, 3 The following NPRRS were presented for approval: NPRR290 – ERCOT Publication of DAM PSS/E Files – APPROVED NPRR294 – TX SET 4.0 including: Acquisition and Transfer of of Customers from One REP to Another; Meter Tampering Transactional Solution – APPROVED NPRR298 - New Definitions Related to Black Start – APPROVED NPRR301- Correct Energy Trade Language for Adjustment Period NPRR303 - Requirement to Post PTP Options Cleared in DAM or Taken to Real-Time Urgent - APPROVED NPRR304- Removal of Frequency Bias Methodology Approval Requirement – APPROVED NPRR307 - Change SASM Offer Procedures – Urgent APPROVED with Luminant’s comments

4 NPRR320 - Minimum PTP Options Bids and CRR Auction Fees – Urgent TABLED ERCOT stated that they are seeing a lot of activity from resource node to resource node and the number of transactions. Concerned ERCOT will hit the 200,000 limit for balance of year. Many issues will be addressed at WMS and COPS. NPRR323 - Correct DAM Credit Exposure Language and Enable Qualified Expiring CRRs to Offset PTP Bid Exposure - Urgent Approved with ERCOT comments 03/02/11 and TAC comments that included a 1 day notification. It was ranked as high priority with 12.75 ranking NPRR325 - Price Correction During SCED Process Failure – Urgent APPROVED PRS Update Continued -

5 COPs Update and TAC Voting Item Debbie McKeever, Chair of COPs presented the update LPGRR042. Updating of Weather Sensitivity Assignment, Suspension of Annual Validation for Advanced Meters, Addition of Load Research Sampling Documents, and Removal of Unused TOUS Codes - APPROVED LPGRR044, Addition of Distributed Generation (DG) Load Profiles - APPROVED

6 Parking Deck Troy Anderson with ERCOT Presented the Parking Deck NPRR208, Registration and Settlement of Distributed Generation (DG) Less Than One MW PRR219, Resolution of Alignment Items A33, A92, A106, and A150 - TSPs Must Submit Outages for Resource Owned Equipment and Clarification of Changes in Status of Transmission Element Postings NOGRR050, Resolution of Reporting Issues Related to NPRR219 NPRR251, Synchronization of PRR845, Definition for IDR Meters and Optional Removal of IDR Meters at a Premise Where an Advanced Meter Can be Provisioned NPRR282, Dynamic Ramp Rates Use in SCED NPRR293, Requirement to Post CRR Option and Obligation Quantities Cleared in DAM or Taken to Real Time

7 Revision Requests previously Tabled at TAC SCR760, Recommended Changes Needed for Information Model Manager and Topology Processor for Planning Models – Urgent (Vote)- Stand alone project which has 9 parts. Parts 7 and 8 will be implemented by 9/11, Parts 4,6,9 done on 3/12 and part 3 done on 7/12 and part 1 and 6 done on 1/13. Approved with critical ranking. NOGRR052, Conductor/Transformer Facility Rating (Vote) tabled again.

8 RMS Update Kyle Patrick, Chair of RMS Provided the update: Voting Items included: RMGRR094, Adding the Competitive Metering Guide to the Retail Market Guide (Vote) approved RMGRR095, Meter Tampering Business Processes Clarifications (Vote) approved RMGRR096, Business Processes and Communications for Switch Holds Related to Deferred Payment Plans (Vote) approved

9 ROS Ken Donahoo, Chair of ROS presnted the update Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report *PGRR002, New Planning Guide Section 2, Definitions and Acronyms, and Section 8, Planning Reserve Margin (Vote) approved Planning Go-Live Recommendation – (Possible Vote)- no action taken so ROS votes stands and progress reports will be given at next TAC. Centerpoint noted they are very opposed to the action plan with hard go-live date of April 2012.

10 WMS Update Eric Goff, Chair of WMS presented the Update 4th Quarter 2010 Emerging Technologies Implementation Plan (ETIP) (Vote) approved Consider Recommending Resettlement or Giving Further Direction to WMS for System Lambda Pricing of Dead Buses (Vote)- No action taken.ERCOT discussed variation of dead bus issue about the split bus. In DA, entity purchases PTP obligation on the right side to left side of bus (both breakers are closed), then they will clear at zero. Then in real time and unit is not running (then breaker is open) so ERCOT utilizes one of the 3 rules which creates a different spread between the right and left hand side of the bus. Entity makes money off that spread. ERCOT says there is huge activity. ERCOT does not see a short term fix on this.

11 Nodal Task Force Update and Other Items Don Blackburn, Chair of NTF presented the update TAC approved the motion to disband the NTF Don thanked TAC and all involved for their work which has gone on for years. TAC Goals – to be taken up at a future meeting. Brad said he would like to meet with all TAC Leadership prior to the approval of the goals. Market Information System (MIS) User Group Report – Jackie Ashbaugh presented. Encouraged those intersted to attend future meetings

12 Thank you

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