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Open Court Vocabulary for “Story Hour-Starring Megan”

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2 Open Court Vocabulary for “Story Hour-Starring Megan”

3 li bra ri an The librarian helped me find a book. ( a person who works in a library )

4 ( a person who helps ) The baker’s assistant helps him make cookies. as sis tant

5 ( to make quiet and still ) The quiet music made the boy feel calm. calm

6 pa ti ent It’s hard to be patient and wait for your birthday to come. ( willing to wait )

7 a maze ment I watched the magic tricks in amazement. I couldn’t believe what I saw. ( great surprise )

8 mis take A word spelled wrong was the only mistake in the story I wrote. ( something that is not done right )

9 ( a person who helps ) assistant

10 ( to make quiet and still ) calm

11 mistake ( something that is not done right )

12 librarian ( a person who works in a library )

13 patient ( willing to wait )

14 amazement ( great surprise )

15 amazement librarian calm assistant mistake patient I must be patient!

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