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Team Kinecticons. Group Members Davis Farish (Lead Graphic Designer, Database Lead, Webmaster) Scott Grace (Lead Kinect Programmer) Kyle Sarantsev (Testing.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Kinecticons. Group Members Davis Farish (Lead Graphic Designer, Database Lead, Webmaster) Scott Grace (Lead Kinect Programmer) Kyle Sarantsev (Testing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Kinecticons

2 Group Members Davis Farish (Lead Graphic Designer, Database Lead, Webmaster) Scott Grace (Lead Kinect Programmer) Kyle Sarantsev (Testing Lead, Documentation Lead) Chris Walton (Team Lead, Kinect Programmer) Chris Witter (Database Designer, Jack Of All Trades)

3 Origin of Project Wanted a project that utilized the Microsoft Kinect for therapy monitoring. Mike Macko and Craig Garrison from Texas Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine were the most interested.

4 Project Goal Objectively score the Vail Sport Test for the therapists using the Kinect. Therapy Kinection may be used to validate the Vail Sport Test in the Physical Therapy Field.

5 Vail Sport Test (VST) Used to assess Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries. Allows therapists to determine if an athlete can return to sport or not. Currently a subjective measurement.

6 Components of VST Single Leg Squat Lateral Bounding Forward Jogging Backward Jogging

7 Scoring Based on criteria provided by Craig Garrison, co-developer of the Vail Sport Test Knee angle Trunk angle Knee position in relation to foot Landing position and duration Locking knee The patient must score 46/54 points to pass.

8 Microsoft Kinect Interfaces with a Windows PC. Joint data is presented as (X,Y,Z) points. Ability to track 20 joints on the human body. Limitation: can only capture data 30 times a second.

9 Development Environment Windows 7 64 bit SP 1 Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Kinect Studio V 1.5.0 Developer Toolkit Browser V 1.5.0 MySQL Workbench V 5.5.28

10 System Configuration

11 Database Structure PATIENT PIDLnameFnameMinitCreateDate INJURY PIDInjuryNumPhysicianDiagSideDateSurgAI flagTHR IDStudyNumSubject IDStartEnd TEST PIDInjuryNumTIDDate COMPONENT_1 PIDInjuryNumTIDPart1_1Part1_2Part1_3Part1_4Part1_5Part1_TotPart1_Rep COMPONENT_1 (Cont.) Part1_FinPart2_1Part2_2Part2_3Part2_4Part2_5Part2_TotPart2_RepPart2_FinPart3_1 COMPONENT_1 (Cont.) Part3_2Part3_3Part3_4Part3_5Part2_FinPart3_TotPart3_RepTotal

12 State Diagram

13 Schedule  Project Proposal 02 Oct, 2012  PSE 11 Oct, 2012  Project Plan V1.0 18 Oct, 2012  Skeleton Website 19 Oct, 2012  Requirements Documentation V1.0 23 Oct, 2012  Design Documentation V1.0 07 Dec, 2012  Iteration 1 13 Dec, 2012  Skeleton GUI, measuring angles, inferring joint data  Iteration 2 24 Jan, 2013  First two components operational, Test Plan, User Manual, Developer Manual  Iteration 3 28 Feb, 2013  Last two components operational  Complete All Documents 28 Feb, 2013  Iteration 4 28 Mar, 2013  Include audio feedback, implement data recording and management  NTASC 13 Apr, 2013  SRS 19 Apr, 2013  Final Presentation/Final Product DVD 02 May, 2013

14 Demo Graphical User Interface Single Leg Squat Lateral Bounding

15 Questions?

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