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1 Individual Development Planning Presented by: Bureau of Land Management Student Ambassadors Program BLM Student Ambassadors Program.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Individual Development Planning Presented by: Bureau of Land Management Student Ambassadors Program BLM Student Ambassadors Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Individual Development Planning Presented by: Bureau of Land Management Student Ambassadors Program BLM Student Ambassadors Program

2 2 What is an IDP Individual Considerations Goal Ranges Setting Goals Goal Selection Advancing your Career Helpful tools when developing the IDP Developmental Resources and Opportunities Guidelines for Supervisors Briefing Overview BLM Student Ambassadors Program

3 3 What is an IDP? A career development tool that may be used to help an employee navigate through their developmental activities such as formal training, on-line learning and developmental assignments It is reviewed and discussed between the employee and his/her supervisor to ensure that individual needs align with organizational needs It is not a contract, but rather a roadmap that may change as individual and/or organizational priorities change BLM Student Ambassadors Program

4 4 Individual Considerations Development needed to improve current performance Development needed which will have an impact on performing current duties in the near future Development applicable to projected workforce needs in the foreseeable future BLM Student Ambassadors Program

5 5 Goal Ranges Micro15 minutes to 1 hour Mini 1 Day to 1 Month Short Range 1 Month to 1 Year Medium Range 1 to 3 Years Long Range 3 to 5 Years BLM Student Ambassadors Program

6 6 Setting Goals Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timeframe BLM Student Ambassadors Program

7 7 Goal Selection Vertical – moving to the next higher position Lateral – moving across functions Realignment – moving to a lesser position in the organization Exploratory Research – actively investigating other options Job Enrichment – creating more challenge in the present job Relocation out of the organization BLM Student Ambassadors Program

8 8 Goal Selection Consider other commitments: family; current work schedule; community obligations Review previous learning experiences Know your organization Be honest with your self-appraisal BLM Student Ambassadors Program

9 9 Advancing Your Career Career Constraints  Professional Constraints Occupational Limits Lack of Qualifications  Organizational Constraints Promotion Freeze Staffing Pattern Ceiling  Personality Conflicts Promotion Paths BLM Student Ambassadors Program

10 10 Helpful Tools When Developing The IDP Position Description – describes your duties and responsibilities Performance Plan – contains elements and performance standards based on the position List of general and technical competencies (e.g. OPM) Feedback from supervisors, peers, and customers BLM Student Ambassadors Program

11 11 Identifying Developmental Objectives Write down your current basic duties Select one duty at a time and determine the specific competencies required to perform that duty Determine which competencies you already have versus those you need to develop Eliminate those competencies you already have Rank/prioritize those that are remaining These are your developmental objectives BLM Student Ambassadors Program

12 12 Developmental Resources and Opportunities Classroom training Job rotation/developmental detail e-learning/computer based instruction On-the-job training Self-study Field trips Reading BLM Student Ambassadors Program

13 13 Guidelines for Supervisors Consider the employee’s current job standards  What skills are most necessary  What areas are proficient/less proficient Consider organizational needs  Current and any potential changes in mission; technology; turnover; staffing needs; future program needs Consider employee’s potential to meet current and projected needs; potential to assume different or expanded responsibilities Assist in developing short and long range goals and learning activities that support the desired skills to meet goals Offer suggestions and serve as a resource in conjunction with other coworkers; human resource professionals; upper management BLM Student Ambassadors Program

14 14 IDP Process Employee Strengths Short term goal Long term goal Needs Current Performance Future needs Current Job Standards Org. needs Supervisor Employee-Supervisor Meeting IDP BLM Student Ambassadors Program

15 15 The End Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities – Anonymous BLM Student Ambassadors Program

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