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IPv6 발표자 : 전지훈. What is IPv6?   an Internet Layer protocol for packet- switched internetworks.   the "next generation" protocol designed by the IETF.

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Presentation on theme: "IPv6 발표자 : 전지훈. What is IPv6?   an Internet Layer protocol for packet- switched internetworks.   the "next generation" protocol designed by the IETF."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPv6 발표자 : 전지훈

2 What is IPv6?   an Internet Layer protocol for packet- switched internetworks.   the "next generation" protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 ("IPv4"). IETF : Internet Engineering Task Force ( 국제 인터넷 표준화 기구 ) 2

3 Why IPv6?   Most of today's internet uses IPv4, which is more then twenty years old.   There is a growing shortage of IPv4 addresses, which are needed by all new machines added to the Internet. 3

4 IPv6 Addresses (1/2)   IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits. 2^32( 약 43 억 ) 개 -> 2^128( 약 3.4*10^38) 개   IPv6 Address 3c1a:0000:000b:e200:0000:0000:3078:e207 3c1a:0:b:e200:0:0:3078:e207 3c1a:0:b:e200::3078:e207 3c1a::b:e200::3078:e207 4

5 IPv6 Addresses (2/2)   IPv4 mapping address -> ::FFFF:   IPv4 mapping addresses allow a host that support both IPv4 and IPv6 to communicate with a host that supports only IPv4. 5

6 IPv6 Addresses types (1/2)   Unicast addresses A unicast address identifies a single network interface. The protocol delivers packets sent to a unicast address to that specific interface.   Anycast addresses An anycast address is assigned to a group of interfaces, usually belonging to different nodes. A packet sent to an anycast address is delivered to just one of the member interfaces, typically the “nearest” according to the routing protocol’s choice of distance. 6

7 IPv6 Addresses types (2/2)   Multicast addresses A multicast address is also assigned to a set of interfaces that typically belong to different nodes. A packet that is sent to a multicast address is delivered to all interfaces identified by that address. 7

8 IPv6 Headers (1/6) 8 VersionTraffic Class Hop Limit Flow Label Payload LengthNext Header Source Address Destination Address

9 IPv6 Headers (2/6) 9 VersionHL Fragment Offset Fragment LengthService Datagram IDFLAG TTLProtocolHeader Checksum Source Address Destination Address Options (if any)   IPv4 Headers

10 IPv6 Headers (3/6)   No option field Replaced by extension header. Result in a fixed length, 40-byte IP header.   No header checksum Result in fast processing.   No fragmentation at intermediate nodes Result in fast IP forwarding. 10

11 IPv6 Headers (4/6)   Version - version 6 (4-bit IP version).   Traffic class - packet priority (8-bits). Priority values subdivide into ranges: traffic where the source provides congestion control and non- congestion control traffic.   Flow label - QoS management (20 bits). Originally created for giving real-time applications special service, but currently unused.

12 IPv6 Headers (5/6)   Payload length - payload length in bytes (16 bits).   Next header - Specifies the next encapsulated protocol. The values are compatible with those specified for the IPv4 protocol field (8 bits).   Hop limit - replaces the time to live field of IPv4 (8 bits).   Source and destination addresses - 128 bits each.

13 IPv6 Headers (6/6) 13   Extension Headers Routing Header - source routing Fragmentation Header - supports fragmentation of IPv6 datagrams. Authentication Header Encapsulating Security Payload Header

14 Benefits 14   Large IP address space   Built on the experiences learned from IPv4   Efficient backbone routing   Efficient and Extensible IP datagram   Address Autoconfiguration   Security (IPsec mandatory)   Mobility

15 In the future… (1/2) 15   미국 미 국방부 - 국방정보망을 IPv6 망으로 완전 전환하기 위해 매 년 300 억 달러 이상의 IT 인프라를 구축. 미의회 산하 감사국 - 23 개 연방정부의 IPv6 전환계획 수립을 촉구. 미국 예산관리청 - 연방정부에 IPv6 로의 전환을 권고함과 동 시에 망 전환계획 및 응용서비스 모델 수립을 요청.   EU 산업체, 공공기관, 가정의 25% 가 2010 년까지 IPv6 를 사용하 도록 하는 목표를 설정. 공공분야 웹사이트와 전자정부 서비스에서 IPv6 사용추진.

16 In the future… (2/2)   일본 민간 분야에서 IPv6 도입을 단계적으로 추진하고 있으며, 통신 사업자들은 상용서비스를 부분적으로 제공 중. NTT, KDDI 등에서는 IPv6 접속서비스를 일부 제공하고 있으 며 향후 기기간 통신, IPTV 등 신규서비스에 IPv6 적용을 확대 해 나갈 계획.   한국 2007 년 「차세대 인터넷프로토콜 (IPv6) 이용 활성화 대책」 을 수립, 2010 년까지 공공기관의 인터넷 장비를 IPv6 로 전환하고, IPv6 이용자를 1,000 만 명 확보를 목표로 관련 기술 개발 및 제도 개선에 주력하고 있음

17 Reference           network/ipvers6.mspx?pf=true network/ipvers6.mspx?pf=true

18 Any Questions?

19 Thank you.

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