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Mining. Mining?...Like Minecraft? wu65Gic.

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Presentation on theme: "Mining. Mining?...Like Minecraft? wu65Gic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mining

2 Mining?...Like Minecraft? wu65Gic

3 Mining?  Mining is the process of extracting something from on or beneath the earth.  Most of the mining that we do is for minerals

4 What is a Mineral?  Minerals are naturally occurring and found on or beneath the earth.  They are inorganic (non-living or never living)

5  Minerals that can be mined for profit are called ores.  These ores can be processed to make the pure minerals we are familiar with

6 Types of Minerals 1. Metallic minerals 2. Non-Metallic Minerals  Industrial minerals  Structural minerals

7 Metallic Minerals  Often found in intrusive igneous rock  Can find valuable metals like nickel, copper, zinc, lead, and gold  At one time magma containing these minerals was forced up towards the earth’s surface through fissures.

8 Industrial Minerals  found mainly in sedimentary rock.  Any mineral that is not a metal  Includes:  Gypsum, diamonds, potash, stone, sand asbestos, clay, salt, etc.

9 Types of Mines? 1. Open pit 2. Strip mines 3. Underground mining

10 Types of Mining – Open Pit  Used when ore lies near the surface  Large hole exposes the ore  2 nd cheapest method, but has the largest environmental impact. Why?

11 Types of Mining – Strip Mining  This mining is done in long, narrow strips.  The waste they take off of the top is put on top of the last one.  The cheapest and safest method, but can have a significant impact on the surface. Why?

12 Types of Mining – Underground  Done when the rocks, minerals, or gemstones are too far underground.  Very expensive and the most dangerous, but has the least impact on the earth’s surface. Why?

13 Current Issues with Mining

14  Mining has a long history of bad environmental impacts.  These range from acid rain, to water pollution, and others  Cleaning up pollution is the mining company’s job, and it’s expensive. Environmental Impacts

15  Companies need to clean up dig sites after they’re done.  Planting trees, fixing landscape. Abandoned mines

16  Despite a boom in the industry, youth are rarely attracted to working in the mining field.  The mining industry needs young workers, but Canadian youth are more attracted to high-tech jobs than working in mines. Employment problems

17  Other countries often have lower labour costs, and keep their production costs low.  In order to compete, Canadian companies need to find ways to save money  Often, they fire people and use machines to do the work. New mineral deposits discovered in other countries

18  When a mine closes, the effect on jobs can be terrible.  Often, entire towns shut down, because the mine that supported the economy shut down. Mining towns depend on mines for existence

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