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Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis Jeanne Frances I. Illo 5 July 2007.

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2 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis Jeanne Frances I. Illo 5 July 2007

3 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 2 Gender analysis-planning flow Situation analysis ID gender issues Investigation of causes of the issues Development and implementation of strategy Addressing gender gender issues and their causes Creating opportunities GAD goals and targets (gender equality and women’s empowerment) Monitoring performance and results Assessment of intervention strategies

4 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 3 Figure 1. Embeddedness of “Development” Health Projects and Programs Development Social systems Belief systems --Faith Economy Political system --Human rights Culture

5 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 4 Key concepts Gender norms as part of cultural norms Gender as system of social relations –For instance, as embedded in kinship –Asymmetries and inequalities that in male-female relations: unequal and subordinate; different but equal Gender norms shaping roles, privilege, entitlement, and the question of control –Notion of “place” (private/public) –Value and prestige –Rights Gender relations as shaping and shaped by economic and political factors

6 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 5 Gender Analysis—What It Is The systematic gathering and examination of information on gender differences (gaps) and social relations in order to identify, understand, and redress inequities and inequalities based on gender

7 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 6 Conceptual Building Blocks Gender roles and valuation of labor Productive Reproductive Community management Leisure

8 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 7 Conceptual Building Blocks Gender needs and interests Practical gender needs (PGN): improvement of material condition of women and men; unequal structure of gender relations or division of labor remains unchallenged –May arise from women’s special needs Strategic gender interests (SGI): actions and strategies required to bring about structural changes and empowerment of women

9 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 8 Conceptual Building Blocks Gender discrimination/bias Differential treatment given to individuals on the basis of their gender Involves systemic and structural bias against women in valuation/reward, access to resources, participation and control

10 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 9 Conceptual Building Blocks Access to resources, opportunities and benefits Access to resources, opportunities and benefits Being able to avail oneself of an opportunity, or to utilize a particular resource, facility, etc.

11 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 10 Conceptual Building Blocks Control of resources, opportunities and benefits Control of resources, opportunities and benefits Being able to exert power or authority to decide about the acquisition, use, allocation or disposal of a resource, facility or opportunity

12 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 11 Conceptual Building Blocks Constraints to participation, access, and control exist at different levels Constraints to participation, access, and control exist at different levels Individual ‘preferences’ Social norms and conventions Institutional (legal, market, faith) Program/project impositions

13 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 12 Conceptual Building Blocks Gender issues and gender gaps Gender issues and gender gaps Where gender division of labor brings with it inequalities in amount of work inputs or benefits received Where women and men face different opportunities to access, participate in, and control resources and benefits Where women and men are conceived or thought of as different and, thus, unequal Where there is systemic or structural bias, resulting in differential treatment (e.g., valuation/reward, access) given to individuals on the basis of their gender

14 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 13 Levels of gender equality and women’s empowerment Level Concern or Issue Control Inequality in power relations so that increased women’s access or productivity may not translate to improved welfare of women Participation Inequality in involvement of women and men in bodies that make decisions or policies affecting them; treatment of women solely as passive beneficiaries Conscientization Notional or belief gap re the nature of gender differences and relations Access Gender gap in the amount and quality of resources women and men can have access to Welfare Inequality in the material and physical well- being of women and men

15 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 14 Gender gaps analysis and strategies to address gaps Level Gender gap Strategy to address gender gap Control— governance Participation Conscientization Access Welfare

16 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 15 Buzz Group Instructions Discuss the Bulolakaw case. What did the project assume as gender roles in the community? What did the project assume as the situation re access and control of resources? Organize your analysis by using the GEWEF tool: What gender-related issues are evident in the case? Go through the different levels of gender equality. How were these issues addressed in the case?

17 Concepts and Tools of Gender Analysis 16 Gender analysis of constraints and opportunities re access and participation ItemCultural/Social Economic situation State policies Policies/programs relevant to the project Constraints Opportunities

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