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Simulations Learning about.... How Why What A simulation is a statistical experiment that uses tools to represent real events. Some events are too expensive.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulations Learning about.... How Why What A simulation is a statistical experiment that uses tools to represent real events. Some events are too expensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulations Learning about...

2 How Why What A simulation is a statistical experiment that uses tools to represent real events. Some events are too expensive to perform, take too long, or are lethal. It is safer, quicker and cheaper to perform a simulation to gather representative data that can be used to assess outcomes of the real event. 1. For the real event, identify all possible outcomes. 2. If possible, identify the relative proportions of each outcome. 3. Choose a randomised tool and assign outcomes to the tool outcomes in the correct proportion. 4. Use the tool to generate event outcomes. 5. Analyse the data as you would for a real experiment. 6. Report the conclusions as for a simulation. Examples include survival rates for aeroplane crashes, changes in elephant gestation periods, and rates of earthquakes in excess of 8 on the Richter Scale. Some events are too expensive to perform, take too long, or are lethal. It is safer, quicker and cheaper to perform a simulation to gather representative data that can be used to assess outcomes of the real event.

3 Examples of Tools Dice Spinners Random Number Generator function ball tumbler thumb tacks

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