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 Pilgrims/Seperatists-  Left because of religious segregation  Founded Plymouth colony  Puritans-  Left to spread religion  Founded Massachusetts.

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2  Pilgrims/Seperatists-  Left because of religious segregation  Founded Plymouth colony  Puritans-  Left to spread religion  Founded Massachusetts Bay Colony  Both were Theocracies  State under the immediate guidance of God

3  Very spiritual  Family and nature oriented  Used word of mouth  To tell their history  To explain natural occurrences/surroundings  Used lots of personification and imagery  Never meant to be accurate

4  Explorer who traveled to the New World in the late 1400s  Studied mapmaking and navigation before going on the journey  While attempting to find Asia, he wrote “Journal of the First Voyage to America”  Used the journal to describe the voyage to his patrons (Spanish King and Queen)  Used lots of imagery and some exaggeration  First interaction with Native Americans was peaceful.

5  One of England’s most famous explorers  Helped found the first English colony  Jamestown  President for one year  Wrote “The General History of Virginia”  Very egotistical and exaggerated  Wrote in third person

6  Member of the church of England  Helped found Massachusetts Bay Colony  Wrote “Of Plymouth Plantation”  Written in Puritan Plain Style  Uses short words and easy comparisons  Very modest  President of MBC for 30 years

7  African slave  First to write of the hardships of slave ships  Well educated after he was bought  Proved that African slaves could be taught

8  Poet who wrote about her love for her husband  Angered other Puritans because she loved her husband more than God  Also angered them because women were not allowed to publish writings

9  Wrote about his love for God  Used comparisons to everyday objects to explain it  Did not publish very much because it was more private for him.  His writings were found two hundred years later

10  Very intelligent  Became a preacher  Wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”  Very descriptive imagery  Uses fear to convince others of their sins  People responded with insanity

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