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Supporting autistic students at university Bryan Coleman Disability Support Office University of Manchester.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting autistic students at university Bryan Coleman Disability Support Office University of Manchester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting autistic students at university Bryan Coleman Disability Support Office University of Manchester

2 Contents My background My understanding Planning for University Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) Support at Manchester University Useful Links

3 My background Support Worker Support Worker Co-ordinator Disability Adviser/Officer

4 My understanding Individuals Routine and predictability Processing information The ‘unwritten rules’ Executive Function Focus

5 Planning for University Familiarisation Orientation Applying for Disabled Students Allowance Discussions with social services Open Days Visits – accommodation, planning support with the disability adviser

6 Disabled Students Allowances…1 Tick the box on-line UCAS Category - B You have a social/communication impairment such as Asperger's syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder Paper DSA form is sent to you to complete ‘Medical evidence’ needed Eligibility agreed Assessment arranged

7 Disabled Students Allowances…2 Assessment report completed & approved Support Approval sent to you Arrange delivery and support workers General allowance and travel costs

8 DSA Equipment Laptop or PC Printer/Scanner/Copier Digital Recorder PDA? ‘Texthelp’ ‘Dragon Dictate’ ‘Inspiration’ Training

9 Support at Manchester University Norman Darwen, Prospects Adviser One-to-one support Information/awareness sessions for staff Advocacy ‘Study buddies’, note-takers, and other support workers Planning ahead

10 Students at Manchester Approximately 40 current students Variety of PG & UG courses - Maths, Zoology, Physics, Political Science, Nursing, Engineering, Dentistry, Geography, Philosophy, Classics, Law etc Approximately 90 applicants

11 Common issues Diagnosis Disclosure/sharing information Support during non-teaching weeks Prompting Misunderstandings Accommodation Social issues

12 Useful Links Supporting Students with Asperger Syndrome Disabled Students Allowances: SKILL – National Bureau for Students with Disabilities:

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