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Invited speakers (afternoon): David Alexander (Rice University) Chip Manchester (University of Michigan) Brad Hindman (JILA/University of Colorado)

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Presentation on theme: "Invited speakers (afternoon): David Alexander (Rice University) Chip Manchester (University of Michigan) Brad Hindman (JILA/University of Colorado)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invited speakers (afternoon): David Alexander (Rice University) Chip Manchester (University of Michigan) Brad Hindman (JILA/University of Colorado)

2 G-band intensity (photosphere) Line-of-sight magnetogram (photosphere) Active Region Magnetic Fields: From the Photosphere to the Corona Masahito Kubo (HAO/NCAR): Magnetic flux budget of a decaying sunspot

3 Positive Negative inner area outer area MMFs Flux cancellation moat flow MMFs Flux cancellation Sunspot (penumbra)Moat regionOutside moat region moat flow

4 Brad Hindman (JILA/University of Colorado): Subsurface circulations established by active regions

5 8/6/09 SHINE Meeting Plage Sunspot Plage Deep outflows (depth > 10 Mm) Surface inflows (depth < 7 Mm) Moat flows (depth < 2 Mm) Quiet Photosphere Quiet

6 David Alexander (Rice University): Inferences from observations of active region flux d: total helicity flux (x10 42 Mx 2 ) over 5 days for the positive and negative polarities c: helicity injection rate (x10 40 Mx 2 per hr) the positive and the negative polarities HELICITY IS ASYMMETRIC FOLLOWING POLARITY (*) SHOWS MORE FLUCTUATION

7  Is the corona, its topology and evolution consistent with the dynamics and evolution of the sub-surface expectations?  Can we infer gross properties of the near sub-surface region from surface observations? e.g. can the observations usefully inform the models?  Nature or nurture? Is solar activity (flares/CMEs etc.) a result of genetics (properties defined at birth) or environmental conditions (evolution of AR atmosphere, interaction with large scale corona, …)

8 Chip Manchester (University of Michigan): Study of flux emergence: Photospheric shear flows that produce coronal eruptions

9 Shine session proposal: Observations and modeling of the theoreticians active region, subphotosphere to corona New cycle active region case studies Submit results for session

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