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1 Accessibility Working Group 15-16 March 2011 VBB Berlin Brandenburg.

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1 1 Accessibility Working Group 15-16 March 2011 VBB Berlin Brandenburg

2 2 EDF views on EU- Disability policy EC adopted 17/11 2010 strategy for the next 10 years to promote equal opportunities EDF support initiatives such as : – Commitment for a European Accessiblity Act in 2012 – Legislative proposals to make public website accessible – Public procurements to ensure accessibility of services – the application of structural funds to improve on accessibility with specific actions such as: Exchanges best practices Development of indicators to implement Europe 2020 EDF also strongly suggest the establishment of a Disability Committee chaired by the rolling presidencies od the EU on the grounds that disability policy in many ways is a shared competence A EDF on EU Disability policyWorki ng Groups Foreseen Activities 2011

3 3 D2D services PAM in Ile de France-STIF -In the 8 counties making up Ile de France region, there is a demand –responsive D2D service for those who cannot ride on PT because of physical or mental disabilities. Entitlement to PAM services is related to medical assessment. PAM services have been working since 2003, a survey of the characteristics of 3 of the counties has been made by IAU in spring 2010. Here are the main findings: 40% of passengers are 60+ Primarily (historically) targeted to people with walking impairments (wheel chair users)25% to 33% there is now a growing number of mentally disabled people 30% to 50% for which it is a new and suitable opportunity In average people make 40 to 80 trips/year meaning 3 to 5 times less than other passengers on PT. However around 10% of the clients make 50% of the total trips Most popular destination is going to work (above average of all PT passengers ) and medical care. Specialised institutions generate and structure the flows (20% of the trips Peak hours in the morning 7 to 10:00 and afternoon 15:00 to 18:00 make up to 75% of the trips therefore many demands are turned down for those hours. European level Membership Surveys Working groups A European level Working Groups Foreseen Activities 2011

4 4 PAM in Ile de France-STIF Key figures All D2D PAM services are tendered out Review showed evolution 2002 to 2008: less trips than forecast but higher costs. Prices for the passenger : under 15km 6,60 €, 15 to 30 km 9,90€, 30 to 50km 16,50€ above 50km 33€ The price covers 12% to 17% of the real cost the rest is splited between the Region, the county and the STIF European level Membership Surveys Working groups A European level D2D Foreseen Activities 2011

5 5 EMTA participation to Conferences INTERMODES Feb 2011 in Brussels – High level speakers good for EMTA to be there but low attendance – Interesting topics but lack of global direction – Technical difficulties for power points International Transport Forum 25-27 May Leipzig – Topic is transport and society – chaired by Spanish minister of transport – very high level speakers and attendance – -possibility of sending speaker on Financial issues Gotteborg UITP-EMTA Conference 6-7 October 2011 – Challenges for developing PT and achieving modal shift European level Membership Surveys Working groups A European level Conferences Foreseen Activities 2011

6 6 Next steps Scooters – No news from Manchester University but very road safety orineted – Need to address the subject on the level of PT safety for all passengers – Research institute in Ile de France CEREM interested together with operators so far as a voluntary initiative – Need to bring the topic at European level and associate EDF TSI implementation survey by European Rail Agen – Survey launched early 2011 to operators and rail managers plus some associations and regional transport authorities (long distance) – Check if your network has been enquired – Suggestion: Send them our findings from the rail services survey? – Try to comment the draft report ITS Inclusive Mobility Group launched by GMPTE – In relation to ITS Directive art 3 action 7: about vulnerable road users nd persons with disability (ensure no discrimination and ease of use) European level Membership Surveys Working groups A European level Working Groups Foreseen Activities 2011

7 7 Thank you for your attention

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