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Abbreviations for Prescriptions. aaof each acbefore meals ADright ear Ad libfreely; as wanted ALleft ear Ampampule AUboth ears bidtwice daily.

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Presentation on theme: "Abbreviations for Prescriptions. aaof each acbefore meals ADright ear Ad libfreely; as wanted ALleft ear Ampampule AUboth ears bidtwice daily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abbreviations for Prescriptions

2 aaof each acbefore meals ADright ear Ad libfreely; as wanted ALleft ear Ampampule AUboth ears bidtwice daily

3 BOLbolus; large pill BSAbody surface area BWbody weight - cwith capscapsules cccubic centimeter (1ml) cwthundred weight dday; right

4 DSdose or days not acceptable g, gmgram galgallon gtt(s)drop; drops hhour hshour of sleep (bed time) IDintradermal IMintramuscular

5 INintranasal IPintraperitoneal ITintratracheal IVintravenous kgkilogram L, LT, Sleft LSALactated Ringer’s solution mcgmicrogram

6 mEqmilliequivalents mLmillilter MLVmodified live virus non repdo not repeat NPOnothing per os (nothing by mouth) NSnormal saline ODright eye OL, OSleft eye

7 OTCover the counter OUboth eyes pcafter meals per os, POorally; by mouth PI3parainfluenza-3 ppmparts per million prnas necessary PSSphysiologic saline

8 PWDpowder qevery q_hevery __ hours (for example, q8h means every 8 hours) qdevery day qhevery hour qidfour times a day qodevery other day qsquantity sufficient

9 R, RTright Rxtake - swithout SC, SQsubcutaneous Siglabel (prescription label) ss½ tabtablet

10 tidthree times daily Txtreatment Uunit Ungointment ut dictas directed

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