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E-TESTING SERVICES from UPTEC E-TESTING AS A CONCEPT  E-TESTING: Assessment of Learners by providing tests that are delivered, evaluated and analyzed.

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3 E-TESTING AS A CONCEPT  E-TESTING: Assessment of Learners by providing tests that are delivered, evaluated and analyzed by electronic devices.  Need today, as number of learners and the need for testing due to widening knowledge domain is increasing at a rapid pace.  Learning transitions points always have some kind of testing for screening purposes.  Today formal testing is done even for entry to job or for promotions.

4 UPTEC in E-TESTING  Pioneering player in the country. Started 8 years back, with its innovative and most friendly ‘Yaksha’ brand of CDs.  More than two hundred thousand user base of about 25 titles in the above range.  Joined Hands with Mc-Grawhill & Education Times to launch its highly sophisticated and easy to use web- based assessment system under the brand TESTMATE.

5 UPTEC’s E-TESTING CONCEPT  UPTEC’s e-testing concept used in its testmate engine follows its unique CHALLENGE LEARNING methodology, where assessment is seen as a process of giving challenge to the learner for a computer generated test-session. The test-session is then followed by analysis, review and learning. This is particularly suitable for learners willing to enter the competitive arena. Traditional Learning Model Challenge Learning Model Typical Learning Style at School. Application oriented learning model for competitive arena, evolved by UPTEC.

6 TESTMATE as an E-TESTING SOLUTION.  E-Testing Solution based on DOT-NET web technology that can be put up online on Internet or an institutional intranet.  Based on strong e-learning concepts, with highly modular and configurable Test Publishing system.  Provides an integrated solution for  Test-taker Registration.  Test Classification and Selection.  Test Planning.  Test Analysis Tools.  Performance Data Storage.  Charging of tests.  Learning content and test reviews.  Test Publication and Administration.  User Monitoring.  Payment Accounting.  Messaging and discussion forums etc.

7 E-Testing Services Spiral Select Begin Plan Take Review & Analyse Re- Practice  The key Steps of UPTEC’s E-testing services can easily be understood with this process diagram.

8 E-Testing features – 1 (Begin)  Users can register themselves online to become a member of the service. The registration service is totally FREE of cost.  Users can take Free Tests that are available to him without any payments. Complete functionality of testmate can be evaluated by taking Free-Tests.  Users can buy test-packs that essentially provide them practice points and validity period to give assessment tests.  Assessment tests can be made available for various domains such as Competitive Entrance Tests, Talent Search Exams, Quizzes, Internal Examinations, School Examinations, Recruitment Tests etc.  Currently ENGINEERING ENTRANCE, MEDICAL ENTRANCE, MANAGEMENT ENTRANCE, CIVIL SERVICES & TALENT SEARCH TESTS are available.

9 E-Testing features – 2 (Select & Plan)  Users are displayed a list of available tests to choose from.  Users can make use of their practice-points to give the tests as Full-Length Tests or Unit Tests.  Unit tests allows Unit/Sub-Unit selection, Time selection and No. of questions selection.

10 E-Testing features – 3 (Take Test)  Question session runs simultaneously for multiple users providing them a different computer generated question paper each time they try to take a test.  Question paper preparation is based on random selection of question, ensuring best possible representation of Units/Sub-Units and current pattern of examination.  Question session is controlled by a self-running timer.

11 E-Testing features – 4 (Review)  User can check back the answer keys during the review for all types of tests.  Detailed Solutions are given to user’s for “PRACTICE & LEARN” type of tests. Many tests on testmate, do provide detailed solutions to test- problems.

12 E-Testing features – 5 (Analyse)  Detailed Score sheet is provided to individual users.  Score sheet can be examined any time in future by viewing a user’s ‘Test Account’.  Detailed Analysis is presented for each user in tabular & graphical format.  Test-wise completion status and Summary of Tests-taken by each user is also maintained.  Unit/Sub-Unit level performance match with Adequate Performance Level requirement is also displayed.


14 The Home Page Login Direct Links to Available Tests Universal Drop-Down Menus available on all pages. Regular Left Menu Links Quick Links to Free Tests Screen Shots View Mouse Over Help System

15 The Content Coverage Unit and Sub-Unit Level Details of coverage of content, based on which the test questions have been prepared

16 Select: Test Select Test Family Like Engineering, Medical, Civil Services, Management, Talent Search etc. Free or Paid Test Selection Test Selection. Practice & Learn tests follow the challenge learning model of providing detailed learning material during review mode. Paid Tests are valid till a specified period.

17 Select: Test Mode Full-Length or Unit Test Mode selection. Full-Length with pre-fixed time and no, of questions. Unit test with choice of unit/sub- units, no. of questions and time.

18 One or multiple subject/unit can be selected based upon the type of exam on offer. Previous Papers of exams are also made available here as per availability. Plan: Subject/Unit Choice

19 Plan: More Test Options Set Your own attempt duration and number of questions. Topic/Sub-Unit can further be selected. Question availability in topic is also displayed. Marking pattern can is definable at sub-unit level. All the settings here are individually configurable for every test by the test- administrator.

20 Settings made by the user are displayed here. Different Question paper for every individual user online is prepared, based on: - Current Topic level Trend. - Difficulty Level Mix. - No. of Questions Best preset papers may also be prepared. Plan: Confirmation

21 Large question view area. Big size fonts. Fatigue free view Take the test Simple self explanatory toolbar. Direct Navigation to any question. Self running timer. No browser key can disturb this timer.

22 Complex mathematical equations are easily and correctly displayed. Any type of images in question or options area are possible to display..

23 Submission at any point during the test. Submit confirmation. Practice units are consumed only when ‘yes’ is pressed here. Take the test: Submit

24 Current Test time and unit consumption details. Analyse: Current Session Current Test performance graph Current Test Marks Out of Total Marks Detailed Unit/Sub-Unit Wise, score table with % marks & % accuracy is displayed.

25 Choose Graphical, Tabulated or Completion Status Analysis type. Analyse: Select Type & Parameters Select Analysis Parameters Like Comparison Basis, Date Range, Filter Criteria etc.

26 Possible to draw graphs for best 10 and last 10 on various criteria like attempts, corrects, in- corrects, most accurates. Analyse: Graphical (last 10 and best 10 sessions) Graphs dynamically generated for Unit and Sub-Unit level Easily understandable charting. Green Bars: performance improvement or same. Red Bars: Performance decline.

27 Analyse: Tabulated (All User Sessions, Based on Query) Hierarchical table with Test/Unit/Sub-Unit level scoring. Query Conditions for date range, score, unit, sub-unit, sort-order etc.

28 Circle indicates what the user marked. Review: Answer keys Red cross mark indicate that user’s choice was incorrect. Green Tick indicate the correct choice.

29 Learn Button comes when review with solutions is available. Review: Solution Learning

30 Detailed Solution is available for each problem presented in the test session. Solutions can also carry illustrations and equations. Review: Solutions

31 For e-testing in the cyber world Just Logon to

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