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Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 UN Global Compact Hungary Network (GCHU) Good practice: ‘Employing the Roma: Insights from Business’ publication.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 UN Global Compact Hungary Network (GCHU) Good practice: ‘Employing the Roma: Insights from Business’ publication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 UN Global Compact Hungary Network (GCHU) Good practice: ‘Employing the Roma: Insights from Business’ publication launch in Hungary Krisztina Kiss National Liaison Officer for Hungary +36 30 967 3451

2 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 2

3 3 UNDP/Ernest&Young Survey/Publication in English: „Employing the Roma: Insights from Business” 2006.

4 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 4 with GC logo translation/editing into Hungarian: Holcim Zrt. founding of the printing: Szerencsejáték Zrt. through Autonómia Foundation printing in Bratislava Ready for launch in Hungary with ILO-CEET support Complementary study by UNDP/TÁRKI: „Barriers to Roma Employment”

5 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 5 Launch of ‘Employing the Roma’ publication in Hungary 13 February 2007 Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour : No. of total participants: 145 Out of which: –Private sector – 64 participant –Government – 16 participant –Local governments – 3 participant –Roma leaders – 16 participant –NGOs & other organizations – 20 participant –Media – 26 contacts

6 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 6 No. of companies and employees interviewed Hungary – Czech Republic – Slovakia – Spain – 6 companies (19 employees) 1 big and 5 SMEs home appliances, tourism, postal services, information technology, fishing 3 companies (12 employees) 1 big and 2 SMEs telecommunications, textile and car industry 5 companies (7 employees) 2 big and 3 SMEs textile, car and construction industry, home appliances 1 company (1 employee) 1 bigtelecommunications

7 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 7 Conclusions Key importance of setting common goals and objectives Policy based on diversity is necessary, but insufficient condition Lead examples and right values are indispensable Companies can cooperate with new partners to find suitable recruits Tackling prejudice head-on – promoting role models

8 Regional Meeting, London, 23-24 April 2007 8 Recommendations for the Government Education, awareness raising - for all generations Use of positive discrimination in competitive processes Public administration emloyment policies should support equal opportunities and non-discriminative practices in the private sector The promotion of closer links between local employment agencies and business Require policy of positive discrimination from companies Media and public education campaign to challange prejudice The development of best practice guidance for companies Reform the system of social assistance benefits in order to decrease the elements of dependency and to encourage work Reform of existing subsidies for long-term unemloyed in order to decrease bureaucracy and improve achievement of objectives

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