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Development of a Marine Biological Data Portal within the framework of EMODNet Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte and Tjess Hernandez Flanders Marine Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of a Marine Biological Data Portal within the framework of EMODNet Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte and Tjess Hernandez Flanders Marine Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of a Marine Biological Data Portal within the framework of EMODNet Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte and Tjess Hernandez Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

2 Outline Presentation Introduction Biology Lot Demonstration of Biology Portal User Feedback Portal Development of biological data products Challenges & Lessons learned for follow-up projects Interaction with other Groups & compatibility INSPIRE November 26, 2015 2 EMODnet

3 The overall objectives Assemble fragmented and inaccessible marine data into interoperable, contiguous and publicly available data streams for complete maritime basins. define the appropriate processes, best technology and approximate costs of a final EMODNET provide first components of a final system which will be useful to provide value- added services. Proposal Biological Lot: 1. Inventory of holdings+ 2. Gap analysis 3. Building data/metadata portal + integrate biological data 4. Strategy plan for future November 26, 2015 3 EMODnet

4 The overall objectives Focus (Tender): Temporal/Spatial distribution of species composition, abundance and biomass Target Species of: Phytoplankton, Zooplankton Angiosperms, Macro-algae Invertebrate bottom fauna Bird communities, Sea mammals, Reptiles Geographical Focus Greater North Sea including the Kattegat, and the English Channel The Bay of Biscay Iberian Coast November 26, 2015 4 EMODnet

5 The overall objectives EMODNet Bio will be build upon EurOBIS: EMODNET Biological Portal will be based on EurOBIS (browse data, view, query, download data) EurOBIS developed with MarBEF, node of OBIS Distributed system integrates datasets with distribution records Focus on taxonomy, temporal and geographical cover (but also abundance, biomass -DARWIN ) Keep track of metadata - use standards (ISO 19115, WoRMS, Gazetteer) November 26, 2015 5 EMODnet

6 Demonstration of Portal Data portal available at http://bio.emodnet.eu November 26, 2015 6 EMODnet

7 User Feedback User feedback User feedback button Presentation data portal during dataproducts workshop (25/02/2010) Discussed during project partner meeting (11/10/10) November 26, 2015 7 EMODnet

8 User Feedback (Portal) Planned updates based on user feedback (for May 2011) General technical improvements (filtering, downloading, (meta)data) Include temporal component (graphs, animations) Monitor data usages (purposes of download...) Possible to search & select specific attributes of species (functional groups, invasives, red lists, HABs, Annex listed species...) November 26, 2015 8 EMODnet

9 User Feedback (Data products) Data products: Species attributes Species distribution maps and trends Biodiversity indices Species sensitivity and vulnerability maps Organisation data analysis (data products implementation) workshops November 26, 2015 9 EMODnet

10 Challenges & lessons learned follow-up projects Technical developments dataportal Data management: standardisations & QC Data transfer to EMODnet November 26, 2015 10 EMODnet

11 Challenges & lessons learned follow-up projects Technical developments dataportal Technical developments: as planned – OGC powerfull November 26, 2015 11 EMODnet

12 Challenges & lessons learned follow-up projects Data management: standardisations & QC Standardisations & QC labour intensive but necessary Taxonomy: World Register of Marine Species Geography: Gazetteer DARWIN Core Standard Standardisation biomass/abundance under development # datasets abundance: 106 (out of 229 => = ± 50%!) # datasets biomass: 7 # datasets known sample size & equipment: 77 (in progress) November 26, 2015 12 EMODnet

13 Standardisation biomass/abundance under development Calculation of abundances/densities to standardised area/volume Implementation through extra tables & calculations within EurOBIS No changes to be made to OBIS Schema Creation of density maps! Only plotting comparable data (area or volume): making use of conversion factor & taking into account sampling gear 11/26/2015EMODnet 13 DatasetOriginal sample sizeStandard sample sizeConversion factorSampling gear A0.5 m²m²2Van Veen grab B0.8 literLiter1.25WP2 net C10 cm²m²1000Box corer D…………

14 Challenges & lessons learned follow-up projects Data transfer to EMODnet Hard to convince people to contribute data Data from project partners Data analysis workshops Data grant program November 26, 2015 14 EMODnet

15 Data project partners 374 dataset descriptions available (data catalog) 229 datasets available through portal New data / major updates New: OBIS, OBIS Seamap, IBSS data, REPHY (Ifremer), MarBEF data Updates: ICES, PANGAEA, L4 plankton monitoring, Biocean Updates to come: CPR (early 2011) 11/26/2015EMODnet 15

16 Workshops Biological Data Products Workshop (February 2010) Report available online Data analysis workshops (2011) Based on data products, define hypotheses, invite relevant experts Discuss data needs, data preparation, data policy, tools to test hypotheses Organize workshop & write workshop reports/A1-publications Data & metadata to EMODnet Experience from Marbef integrated datasets  Active data search => new & relevant contributions to EMODnet  Involvement of researchers & their data => added value!  Subjects relevant to EMODnet (e.g. useful for policy makers, broad scope) 11/26/2015EMODnet 16

17 Data grant programme for the Black Sea Cooperation with Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS) First communications in July 2010 Black Sea inventory: 13 Ukrainian datasets to be digitised for EMODnet ± 2.5 million distribution records, time span from 1987 – 2010 Estimated person-months: 82 Metadata already provided & online Drawing up of data grant contracts in progress => Start digitisation process in January 2011 11/26/2015EMODnet 17

18 Interaction with other Thematic Groups & compatibility with INSPIRE INSPIRE compatibility OGC compliant (WMS, CSW) – Metadata ISO 19115 No INSPIRE expert in project or vice versa Interaction between projects Information flow ok but could be better Chemical ok (VLIZ is partner) Exchange products, maps through OGC Testing habitat maps with Biological data? November 26, 2015 18 EMODnet

19 November 26, 2015 19 EMODnet Thank you

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