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GPA and what it means to me…. What do they say about you? What do your grades look like?

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Presentation on theme: "GPA and what it means to me…. What do they say about you? What do your grades look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 GPA and what it means to me…

2 What do they say about you? What do your grades look like?

3 Transcript

4 Grade Point Average Each grade is worth points.  A = 4 points  B = 3 points  C = 2 points  D= 1 points  F = 0 points

5 For Example  English 83  English Prep 74  Algebra 68  W. Geography 85  Biology 77  PE or Elective 93

6 Example cont’d.  English 83 = C = 2  E. Prep 74 = D = 1  Algebra 68 = F = 0  W. Geo 85 = B = 3  Biology 77 = C = 2  PE/Elective93 = A = 4 TOTAL POINTS 12 Divide by 6 = 2.0 GPA

7 Grading Scale  A = 93 – 100  B = 85 – 92  C = 75 – 84  D = 70-74  F = 0 - 69

8 Why should I care?  Project Grad: requires a 2.5 GPA  Hope Scholarship: requires a 3.0 GPA  Merit Scholarship: requires a 3.75 GPA  UTK: average GPA 3.78  UTC : minimum GPA 3.0  MTSU : minimum GPA 3.0  ETSU : minimum GPA 2.75  TSU: average GPA 2.5 ScholarshipsColleges/Universities

9 A Good GPA can get you this: College And Career Ready Will YOU be ready?

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