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Section A: Exercise and Sport Physiology

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1 Section A: Exercise and Sport Physiology
6. Principles of training

2 Syllabus Specificity, progression, overload, reversibility, moderation, and variance The physiological implications of a warm up and cool down Periodisation of training to include the macro, meso and micro cycle Awareness of the implications of the principles when applied to the candidate’s own training

3 Mnemonic “Mrs Vopp” who is “Testing” the “WC” (toilet)
Mrs = moderation, reversibility, specificity Vopp = variation, overload, progression and periodisation Testing = an appropriate test WC = warm up and cool down

4 Moderation The “M” is for finding the MIDPOINT
Too much training = overuse injuries and burn out (physical and mental) Too little training = few adaptations will be achieved Overload = body works harder than normal to cause adaptation

5 Reversibility Muscle cell ATROPHY takes place about 48hrs after inactivity Adaptations (fitness) gained will be reversed in 1/3 of the time it took to gain them Fast fitness gains are quicker to reverse Aerobic adaptations reverse quicker than anaerobic adaptations

6 Specificity Choice of training must reflect demands of the sport/activity Specificity can be applied in 2 ways: The individual The sport/activity

7 Specificity INDIVIDUAL SPORT/ACTIVITY Genetic variation
Each performer has a different rate of adaptation in response to different types of training Predominant energy systems Movement patterns Muscle fibre type Muscles/joints used

8 Variance Ensures experience is fresh/motivating
Helps prevent repetitive strain/overuse injuries e.g. stress fractures / shin splints

9 Overload Achieved by adjusting/increasing FITT Frequency Intensity
Time Type

10 Progression To ensure the body’s fitness capacity increases further, the overload needs to be gradually increased to keep the body adapting

11 Periodisation Periodisation is the organised division of training into a number of specific blocks, periods or phases The objective is to ensure athletes progressively develop to reach a skill/physiological peak at the correct time Simple way to look at it Pre-season Competition Off season

12 Divisions within Periodisation
Macro-cycle Meso-cycle Micro-cycle

13 Macro-cycle Longer term plan of training aimed at achieving a long term goal/objective Typically is a single-year block of training Mega-cycle = several years

14 Meso-cycle Medium term plan of training typically lasting between 4 and 16 weeks Generally looked upon as Pre-season Competition Off-season * All of these “seasons” are meso-cycles and its possible to have a meso-cycle within this! *

15 Micro-cycle Short term plan of training typically lasting one week
A micro-cycle is simply a number of training sessions which form a recurrent unit e.g. an athlete training 3 times a week would have a micro-cycle consisting of 3 units e.g. one session of training with 2 aims may require a session made up of 2 units

16 Benefits of Periodisation
Aside from the MAIN AIM of ensuring the athlete achieves peak performance at the correct time… Periodisation ensures that many of the PRINCIPLES of training are applied when planning a programme

17 Warm Up Preparation mentally and physically Consists of 3 phases:
Pulse-raising activities: aerobic submaximal exercise, in order to redistribute blood from organs to muscles. Mobility: controlled joint movement should rehearse activity movement patterns to help lubricate joint structures. Stretching: active muscles used in the training exercise should be stretched.

18 Cool Down An active cool down should follow any activity/training to help speed up the recovery process to a pre-exercise state. Consists of 2 phases: Pulse lowering activities Stretching of active muscles

19 Benefits of a Warm Up Prepares cardio-respiratory and musculo-skeletal systems for more intense exercise in the following ways:

20 Warm Up Benefits It increases:
Muscle temp. = increases oxygen dissociation, nerve impulse conduction and contraction = improved muscle force, speed and reactions Enzyme activity Release of synovial fluid Elasticity of muscle Redistribution of blood flow

21 Warm Up Benefits It reduces: Risk of injury
Early onset of anaerobic work = build up of lactic acid and early fatigue

22 Benefits of a Cool Down It maintains venous return, stroke volume, cardiac output, minute ventilation and blood pressure It gradually reduces muscle temperature Stretching returns muscles to their pre-exercise length Reduces DOMS Flushes capillaries with oxygenated blood Speeds up removal of lactic acid

23 Fitness Tests Multi-stage fitness test PWC 170
Used to identify aerobic capacity

24 Fitness Tests Abdominal sit up test Press up test In 60 seconds
Strength endurance

25 Fitness Tests 1 rep max Grip dynamometer Maximum strength

26 Fitness Tests Vertical jump Used to identify explosive strength

27 Fitness Tests Wingate cycle test Used to identify dynamic strength

28 Fitness Tests Skinfold calliper BMI Electrical impedence
Hydrostatic weighing tank Used to identify body composition

29 Fitness Tests Sit and reach Goniometer Used to identify flexibility

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