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Connecting researchers and research organisations with data publication metrics the visibility and value of data publications in bibliometrics and altmetrics.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting researchers and research organisations with data publication metrics the visibility and value of data publications in bibliometrics and altmetrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting researchers and research organisations with data publication metrics the visibility and value of data publications in bibliometrics and altmetrics systems CSIRO INFORMATION MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson | Research Data Services Support 24 th October 2013 Image:

2 Metrics – what’s available Data Citation Index – flexible DOI searching with citation data. Hoping for ANDS ingest in the near future. Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 2 |

3 Metrics – what’s available Scopus – you might get excited when searching for a DOI prefix in “references”, e.g. the ANDS DOI prefixes: Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 3 | …but then you have to remember the correct syntax for an exact phrase. At least it works in principle, even if there’s nothing worth showing off yet.

4 Metrics – what’s available Google Scholar – am I doing it correctly? Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 4 | (Incidentally, neither the DAP nor RDA records for this show up in GS)

5 Metrics – what’s available For comparison, here’s a similar search in Google Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 5 |

6 Metrics – what’s available Microsoft Academic Search DOI search does not allow truncation, so full DOIs only General search will retrieve many false positives Exact phrase may prove useful for DOI prefixes Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 6 |

7 Altmetrics What Google Trends has to say about this Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 7 |

8 Altmetrics Roberta Kwok points out the difference between the “views” and “citations” of this article: Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 8 | Hull, D., Pettifer, S. R., & Kell, D. B. (2008). Defrosting the Digital Library: Bibliographic Tools for the Next Generation Web. PLoS Comput Biol, 4(10), e1000204. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.100020410.1371/journal.pcbi.1000204 Kwok, R. (2013). Research impact: Altmetrics make their mark. Nature, 500(7463), 491-493. doi: 10.1038/nj7463-491a10.1038/nj7463-491a

9 Altmetrics Impact Story: CSIRO datasets showing up as “items with no metrics” Dryad and figshare datasets showing up in a “dataset” category Tracking DOIs from DataCite is on the roadmap, but timeline unknown Search by creator is also on the roadmap Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 9 |

10 Altmetrics We tested out tweeting a DOI, did pick it up No real activity for the ANDS DOI prefix Altmetric badges embedded in Scopus Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 10 |

11 Altmetrics Plum Analytics: Specifically mentions that metrics are gathered for datasets Can currently add figshare and Dryad records to a profile Some issues with what gets listed (although it’s uncertain whether this was just the way the profile was created) Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 11 |

12 Altmetrics Some publishers are displaying altmetrics in their pages Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 12 |

13 Altmetrics The paper itself doesn’t cite the data in the reference section Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 13 |

14 Project Columbus The steps: Weekly report on new collections from the DAP. New collections with DOIs identified. We search our publications systems for the data collection authors, looking for papers that aren’t published yet. We then contact the authors that match to talk about data citation generally, and Project Columbus specifically. Results so far: Very early days. 4 candidates identified. Candidates are extremely keen, however. Additional datasets have been deposited by candidates Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 14 |

15 Project Columbus Use available tools to report metrics back to authors. Current: Google Analytics reports Analysis of server logs Providing data for inclusion in annual reports Manual searching for DOIs in the wild Use of metrics tools on the citing papers Future: Data Citation Index Impact Story search-by-creator Science reviews / internal assessments Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 15 |

16 Case study: what DOIs do we have? Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 16 | At EOFY 2013 CSIRO had under 100 DOIs for data collections in the DAP

17 Australian Telescope National Facility But wait… Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 17 | What’s this?

18 Australian Telescope National Facility Publications which include archived Parkes pulsar data should include an additional statement as follows: –This paper includes archived data obtained through the Australia Telescope Online Archive and the CSIRO Data Access Portal ( So will anybody cite the DOI? Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 18 | Nothing from either list matches with the other – at least the list is small enough to manually check

19 Anywhere…? By excluding the two main suspects, we get a sane number of results to browse Definitely some false positives Compared to searching for a handle… ANDS PID handles have the prefix “102.100.100” – more false hits The prefix is not organisation specific, so it’s harder to filter out parent organisations Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 19 |

20 Roll your own Google Analytics Server logs Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 20 |

21 ATNF downloads Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 21 |

22 Atlas of Australian Acid Sulphate Soils Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 22 |

23 DAP Visitors Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 23 |

24 Challenges It’s early days for altmetrics, there are no standards. There’s capacity to innovate or collaborate with altmetrics providers. What sort of metrics would you be interested in seeing? What sort of metrics would your researcher or organisation be interested in? Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 24 |

25 Thanks to Sue Cook David Benn Cynthia Love Bibliometrics and Altmetrics| Dominic Hogan & Anne Stevenson 25 | Acknowledgementsy ou

26 CSIRO Information Management & Technology Dominic Hogan Research Data Service Support t 1300 363 400 CSIRO Information Management & Technology Anne Stevenson Research Data Service Support t 1300 363 400 CSIRO INFORMATION MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY Thank you

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