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IT’S TOTALLY SHOCKING!!! ELECTROSTATICS. WHAT IS CHARGE? A basic property of matter Positive & Negative All material is made up of smaller parts These.

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Presentation on theme: "IT’S TOTALLY SHOCKING!!! ELECTROSTATICS. WHAT IS CHARGE? A basic property of matter Positive & Negative All material is made up of smaller parts These."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS CHARGE? A basic property of matter Positive & Negative All material is made up of smaller parts These are characteristics of those parts

3 INSULATORS & CONDUCTORS Conductors allow charges to move through them Insulators keep charges still…from moving around

4 ATTRACTION OR REPULSION Charge is never created or destroyed… …only transferred!!! Sound familiar?!?!?

5 DEMONSTRATIONS…MAGIC!!! Picking up charge from the carpet “John Travoltage” PHET demoJohn Travoltage How does a balloon stick to the ceiling? How do the charges move?charges move Repulsive balloons Why do the strings push apart? Attractive can Why does the can move this way? Polarization !!! Reorganize the charge placement…just a little! Spinning plank Water stream


7 CHARGING OPPOSITELY Inducing a charge is an “indirect” way to charge What charge does the plastic base acquire? What does the plastic base do to the metal plate? What function does touching (grounding) the metal plate serve? How can we test if this is an opposite charge?

8 VAN DEGRAFF GENERATOR High Voltage!!! Build up of static charge Check out the Electric Field!!!

9 WHAT IS A (FORCE) FIELD??? The gravity field is what your body (or any mass) interacts with to give you “weight” (force of gravity). The electric field is what charges interact with to feel a force of attraction or repulsion.


11 IMPORTANT VARIABLES Force…the interaction of 2 particles (charges) Charge(s) Distance of separation The Equation!!!

12 WORK THAT IS DONE…IS A TRANSFER OF ENERGY Remember…it’s all about ENERGY!!! Energy is transferred when a charge is moved. When 2 like charges are placed near each other… Energy is needed to bring them together. They can fly apart because the stored energy… Becomes Kinetic Energy!!! This is how a electricity in circuits works!!! The battery gives energy to the charges, so they move around and deliver it to appliances!!!

13 WHAT IS VOLTAGE? Voltage = Energy per Charge Analogy: Energy = Candy Bar and Charge = Truck A battery gives candy bars to trucks and they deliver them to appliances. The trucks do not disappear once they deliver… They return to the battery to fill up again!!!

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