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passport shopkeeper board board 做动词时还可以解释为 “ 食 宿,寄宿 ” board 还可以作名词解释, “ 木板,硬板 ” on board ( 在火车,轮船,飞机 … 上 ) 由名词可以转化为动词的词还有: head face handsound.

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Presentation on theme: "passport shopkeeper board board 做动词时还可以解释为 “ 食 宿,寄宿 ” board 还可以作名词解释, “ 木板,硬板 ” on board ( 在火车,轮船,飞机 … 上 ) 由名词可以转化为动词的词还有: head face handsound."— Presentation transcript:


2 passport

3 shopkeeper

4 board

5 board 做动词时还可以解释为 “ 食 宿,寄宿 ” board 还可以作名词解释, “ 木板,硬板 ” on board ( 在火车,轮船,飞机 … 上 ) 由名词可以转化为动词的词还有: head face handsound

6 visa

7 travel agency

8 tutor

9 qualification

10 parallel

11 短语: parallel to/with sth ( … 与 … 平行 ) be in a parallel with sth ( … 与 … 平行 ) be parallel to sth (与 … 相似 )

12 cafeteria

13 academic

14 This old man is making the ________.lecture

15 They are making ______________ for the party. preparations prepare

16 The cabin is very ___________.comfortable comfort comfortably

17 This girl is _____ now.numb

18 They _____________ the support of their fans. acknowledged acknowledgement 名词: 短语: be acknowledged as ( 被公认为 … )

19 They are very excited, because they ________ in the competition. succeeded

20 occupy (take up)

21 短语: be occupied with/in sth ( 全神贯注于某事 ) occupy oneself with sth ( 某人忙于 … ) occupy oneself in doing sth ( 某人忙于做 … )

22 Opinion given briefly in speech or writing about an event, or in explanation or criticism of sth (comment)

23 More than enough;plentiful (abundant) 名词形式: abundance 短语: be abundant in sth ( … 方面丰富,充裕 ) in abundance ( 丰富地,充裕地 )

24 Place to which sb or sth is going or is being sent (destination)

25 名词: 形容词: 短语: success successful succeed in doing sth ( 做某事成功 )

26 Rule; control or direct the public affairs of a city, country, etc (govern) 名词: government Person or thing taking the place of (substitute)

27 Say that one thinks sth is good or that sb is fitted (recommend) 短语: recommend doing sth ( 建议做某事 ) 句型: recommend + that 从句 (从句中谓语动词形式为: should+ 动词 原形,其中 should 可以省略)

28 Undertaking,esp one that needs courage or that offers,difficulty (enterprise)

29 Something required or needed (requirement) 动词: require 句型: require sb to do sth require doing sth require + that 从句 (注意: require 作 “ 需要 ” 解释时,后面跟 that 从句,从句中谓语动词应用 should+ 动词原形, 其中 should 可以省略)

30 In a hopeful way (hopefully)

31 用下列词组填空: adjust to; keep it up; fit in; (get/be) used to; as far as one is concerned; feel at home; settle in 1. She had great difficulty ________ herself ____ English life. 2. She ___________ a foreign country and had a happy life after she retired. 3. If you ______________, you feel comfortable and relaxed. adjusting to settled in feel at home

32 用下列词组填空: adjust to; keep it up; fit in; (get/be) used to; as far as one is concerned; feel at home; settle in 4. _______________________, I ’ d like to send some medicine and supplies for the old. 5. I ____ not ________ being interrupted in that way. 6. You are doing well, just ______________! 7. His ideas did not quite _________ with our aims. As far as I am concerned amused to keep it up fit in


34 1. C________ is a restaurant where people collect their own food and drink, often in a store, factory, college, etc. 2. During her stay in England she b______ with a host family. 3. We are making p__________ to fly Mr. Brown to the nearest hospital. 4. Can you r__________ any reasonably- prices hotels in Amsterdam? afeteria oarded reparations ecommend

35 5. Students who fail to meet the r____________ of the course won ’ t succeed. 6. Madam Curie is usually a_____________ to be one of the best scientists. 7. He loosened his belt for c_______ after such a long journey. 8. We need someone with e___________ and imagination to design a marketing strategy. equirements cknowledged omfort nterprises

36 9. H________ we ’ ll be in Norwich by early evening by our efforts. 10. The Pacific Ocean is a_________ in rare species of plants and animals. opefully bundant

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