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ALICE Status CERN- Korea Meeting 23 April 2012.

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1 ALICE Status CERN- Korea Meeting 23 April 2012


3 Korea in ALICE Gangnung-Wonju National University – TOF assembly & commissioning, Muon arm operation, physics Sejong – Grid computing, physics Yonsei – TRD assembly and commissioning, physics Pusan – HMPID R&D and operation, physics KISTI (Full member) – ALICE-Korea GRID computing center T1 & T2 More in the report by Pr. In-Kwon Yoo

4 KISTI KISTI: status changed from associate to full member – Main computing center in Korea and Asia – Will become ALICE first Asian Tier1 with a substantial resources contribution – Has been approved as candidate Tier1 by WLCG (first new Tier1 to be added since the start of WLCG) – Will work on physics analysis thanks to targeted hiring

5 KISTI KISTI: status changed from associate (2010) to full member – Setup of the Tier1 test bed completed since 2010; resources will be provided through WLCG next year after WLCG certification – Setup of the Tier2 test bed completed since 2007; resources are delivered to ALICE since 2009 with a 98% availability – Setup of the Analysis Facility (KIAF) completed

6 T2@KiSTI: 100 jobs average,250 max 120 cores and 50 TB allocated AF@KiSTI: stable operation since 08/2010 96cores and 172TB allocated Disk&CPU@KISTI 5% of ALICE computing T1@KiSTI: 200 jobs average,800 max 1000 cores and 1 PB allocated

7 Budget Core expenditure 2007-2009: 150 KCHF / 160 MCHF M&O-A 2013 (10/574): 89 KCHF / 5.0 MCHF – M&O-A 2012 (10/575): 97 KCHF (after energy rebate) M&O-B 2013 (TOF&MUON trigger): 29 KCHF

8 Other collaboration news Institutes – Tier1 at UNAM (Mexico) in preparation – Tier2 in Cape Town and Tier1 in India being negotiated – New member: COMSATS (Pakistan), SFTC Daresbury (UK), IIT (India), SUT (Thailand), Talca (Chile) Nominations – New CC member (L. Ramello) – (Re) New EB members (P. Crochet, P. Braun-Munzinger, P. Jacobs, A. Kisiel) – New HMPID Project Leader: G. De Cataldo – Run Coordinator (G. Scioli), Trigger Coordinator (K. Oyama)

9 Detector status

10 + 2 EMCAL SM + 3 TRD SM Capacitors from TPC ROC removed SPD recovered with > 95% efficiency Muon TRK LV repair ZDCs shadowing removed 1500 visitors

11 ALICE operation 2011 : PbPb@2.76 TeV 1.32×10 8 events collected ; 140 μb -1

12 ALICE operation 2011 : PbPb@2.76 TeV Data taking performance High-rate throughput test Data accumulation, peak rate up to 4GB/sec Data replication: 300 MB/s; completed 4 days after the end of data taking

13 ALICE operation 2012 – 150 days of pp@8 TeV Baseline MB sample at a new energy Rare triggers: (di)-muon, jet, photon, hight p T, high M – 24 days of pA(Ap)@3.5 TeV Study of initial state effects

14 ALICE operation Beyond 2013 (discussed at Chamonix meeting, Feb 2012) – 2015-2016: PbPb aiming for 250 μb -1 /year – 2017: pPb or PbPb to reach nominal 1 nb -1 – 2018: install ALICE upgrade during LS2 – 2019-20xx: PbPb, pPb, ArAr,…; goal 10 nb -1

15 Physics publications since last October 8/32 papers submitted to journal (and arXiv): – Heavy flavour decay muon production at forward rapidity in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV; Phys. Lett. B 708 (2012) 265 – Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at √s = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC; arXiv:1112.2082 – Light vector meson production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV; arXiv:1112.2222 – J/  Production as a function of charged particle multiplicity in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV; arXiv:1202.2816 – J/  Production at low transverse momentum in PbPb Collisions at √s_NN = 2.76 TeV; arXiv:1202.2816 – Suppression of high transverse momentum prompt D mesons in central Pb--Pb collisions at √s_NN=2.76 TeV; arXiv:1203.2160 – Measurement of the Cross Section for Electromagnetic Dissociation with Neutron Emission in Pb-Pb Collisions at √s_NN = 2.76 TeV; arXiv:1203.2436 – Inclusive J/psi production in pp collisions at √ s=2.76 TeV; arXiv:1203.3641 34 papers at various stages of collaboration review and preparation

16 Improved physics performances Low mass di electrons: thermal radiation, Χ-sym ppPbPb

17 Improved physics performances J/Ψ ➝ μμ: R AA, v 2, charm thermalization

18 Improved physics performances D ➝ hadrons: R AA, v 2, charm thermalization D s, 3M events in 20-40% D 0, 5M events in 0-7.5% D*, 7M events in 30-50% D +, 4M events in 0-7.5%

19 Selected physics results J/ψ production in pp increases linearly with the particle multiplicity ↓ multi parton interactions at hard scale in pp

20 Selected physics results J/ψ interaction in the medium ↓ Quarkonia melting in the QGP + regeneration from thermalized charm quarks

21 Selected physics results Heavy Quarks interaction with the medium ↓ Parton mass scaling ?

22 Upgrades Two documentsm, approved by the Collaboration, have been submitted to LHCC – ALICE at High Rate: motivation & strategy to operate ALICE at high rates (L=6×10 27 cm -1 s -1 ) after LS2 – CDR for the ITS upgrade Projects under discussion in the Collaboration – VHMPID: new high momentum PID capabilities ← R&D Korea – MFT: b-tagging, low p T ψ’, low mass di-muons – FOCAL: low-x physics with identified γ/π 0 ← R&D Korea

23 Upgrades Beyond the ALICE approved physics program – Precision measurements of QGP properties exploiting multi-differential observables (g, q, Q, b, p T, RP, h ID, … – Focus on observables where ALICE is unique (PID, low X0, precise vertexing down to low p T, …)

24 Upgrades Beyond the ALICE approved physics program – Precision measurements of QGP properties exploiting multi-differential observables (g, q, Q, b, p T, RP, h ID, … – Focus on observables where ALICE is unique (PID, low X0, precise vertexing down to low p T, …)

25 Upgrades Next Steps – Preparation of ALICE upgrade Letter of Intend to be presented to LHCC in June 2012 – Approval by the collaboration of additional projects in September 2012 – Discussions with Funding Agencies (contribution to identified projects, sharing of Common Funds)

26 ALICE had a great start and together with the pA run at the end of this year is on the way to consolidate the Standard Model of Heavy-Ion Physics… In the coming years and with the upgrade under discussions ALICE is aiming for precision measurements on the fundamental properties of the QGP The sustained efforts of the Funding Agencies to support this endeavor is essential

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