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Lecture 4.5: Tissues.

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1 Lecture 4.5: Tissues

2 Mucous Membranes Line cavities that communicate with the exterior
Surface moist all of the time

3 Figure 4.12a

4 Serous Membranes Sealed, internal divisions of ventral cavity
Pleura—covers lungs Peritoneum—lines abdominal cavity (covers organs like spleen and stomach) Pericardium—covers heart Parietal portion—lines inner surface of cavity Visceral portion—covers organs within cavity Minimize friction

5 Figure 4.12b

6 Cutaneous Membrane AKA: Skin
Stratified squamous epithelium and dense connective tissue Thick, waterproof, dry

7 Figure 4.12c

8 Synovial Membrane Articulations (Joints)—where bones meet
Line bones at freely moving joints Produce synovial fluid Lubricates joint Permits smooth movement

9 Figure 4.12d

10 Muscle Tissue Types Skeletal Muscle Made up of skeletal fibers
Striations—striped pattern Multinucleated Contract only when stimulated Voluntary

11 Figure 4.13a

12 Muscle Tissue cont… Cardiac Muscle Only in heart Striated One nucleus
Intercalated discs—connect cells Pacemaker cells—set up regular rate of contraction Involuntary

13 Figure 4.13b

14 Muscle Tissue cont… Smooth Muscle In hollow organs 1 nucleus
No striations Involuntary

15 Figure 4.13c

16 Neural Tissue Mostly in brain and spinal cord Neurons—nerve cells
Neuroglia—supporting cells

17 Figure 4.14a

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