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Queen’s University Belfast, 16 May 2013I.P. Karolewski 1 The Trouble with European Identity.

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Presentation on theme: "Queen’s University Belfast, 16 May 2013I.P. Karolewski 1 The Trouble with European Identity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Queen’s University Belfast, 16 May 2013I.P. Karolewski 1 The Trouble with European Identity

2 2 Structure ① The point of departure ② Major questions ③ How to recognize a European identity? ④ Proxies and agents of of European identity ⑤ Technologies of identity-making ⑥ Risks of identity-making

3 3 The point of departure  Rising Euroscepticism (new anti-Euro parties)  Lacking strong public support for the EU  From „permissive consensus“ to “constraining dissensus” (Hooghe/Marks 2006)

4 4  How much pressure can the community tolerate in order to persist?  What holds the EU together in times of scarcity and conflict?  European identity as a panacea or a phenomenon of crisis? Major questions

5 5 How can we recognize a European identity?  Confusing collective identity with regime support  Belonging to vs. Belonging together  Identity as dependent/independent variable

6 6  European Public Space  community-wide communication  essential to formation of democratic self- government  Reflexive identity based on difference  Union Citizenship  Norms affecting citizens, internationalization of reciprocity/mobility  Citizenship as an agent of identity-making Proxies and agents of European identity?

7 7 Technologies of European identity I  Manipulation of symbols  Tangible symbols of the euro  Anthem, flag, European cities of culture  Foundational myth-making  Narratives creating normative and cognitive basis for identity  Peace, prosperity, democracy

8 8 Technologies II  Positive self-images  Civilian power, normative power  Cracks in the normative credibility of the EU  Transfer of identity  Institutional identity of the acquis  „Others“ as potential members

9 9 Risks of identity-making in the EU  The gulf between the elites and the EU population  Dilemma of simultaneity (Building a ship at an open sea)  How to generate a sense of community with liberal means?

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