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© NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line © NHS Institute for.

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Presentation on theme: "© NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line © NHS Institute for."— Presentation transcript:

1 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Welcome to the Partners In Care Webex 9 – 15 th January 2013 Learning from colleagues and New Year Resolutions We will start at 8am @LynneMaher1

2 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Agenda Welcome Next two Webex Dates –Wednesday 13 th February 8am- Share the Love and Examples From Participants –Friday 8 th March 8am -From Start to Finish & Fond Farewells Reminder - workbook review dates –6 th to 8 th February 2013 Partners in Care review Sharing- from Partners In Care Projects Sharing – a paper and a book Time for questions

3 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Evaluation/Review of the Program so far Thank you to everyone who took part in the review and to Annette Neath for her help with the review and for developing the report. Review data have been captured through four different methods: –review of web seminar recordings; –review of the 22 (out of potentially 31) workbooks that had been completed –twelve telephone interviews with programme participants and –an online survey sent out to all participants. Twenty nine (out of a potential total of 62) survey questionnaires were returned.

4 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Partners in Care - review The majority of survey respondents describe their current situation as ‘actively participating in the ebd learning programme’ and their projects are either ‘progressing well’ (11) or ‘progressing slowly’ (15). Three are still actively participating in the learning although their projects are temporarily on hold. Five teams have withdrawn from the programme, mainly as result of time constraints, un anticipated change in personal circumstances or lack of resources to complete the ebd work.

5 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Partners in Care - review Twenty seven (out of 29) rated their overall experience of the ebd programme as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ and the majority thought the ebd masterclass, ideas and concepts included in the programme, and quality of supporting materials are ‘excellent’ or ‘good’. Participation in the web seminars has been high and these are also viewed as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’. The most highly rated and most enjoyable web seminars were those on driver diagrams, sustainability and three seminars when participants shared their experiences with the entire group.

6 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Partners in Care - review Fifteen survey respondents have experienced technical difficulties in joining the web seminars, although on the whole, these have been resolved. There is also reports of poor sound quality at times. Almost all survey respondents found the workbook questions either ‘very relevant’ or ‘somewhat relevant’ to their own project. The majority found them ‘quite challenging’ to complete. Feedback about workbook completion included comments about its length and format, repetitive questions and underestimating the time required to complete it.

7 6 Partners in Care- review Positive feedback  Senior leaders engaged and helpful  Staff supportive  Consumers very helpful  The amount of time dedicated at the beginning really helped later in the project  Lots of new knowledge gained  Positive experience of working closely with consumers Challenges faced  Senior leaders difficult to engage  Staff resistance and cynicism  Consumers helpful but at times unable to identify enough time  Ability to identify enough time  Can feel overwhelmed at times

8 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Questions/comments

9 Sharing – Shamim Chagani, Charge Nurse Manager, Manukau Surgery Centre

10 Manukau Surgery Centre - 2 Elective Surgical Ward

11 Elective Surgeries Bowels – APR, Colectomy, Ostomy etc. Gastrectomy/ lap sleeves Minor – hernia/ lap choleys etc. Vascular- VV Gynae- TAH, Cystectomies etc. ORL – Elective & Acute Breast Pancreatectomy, Liver

12 Process - experience Capturing Understanding Identified themes Capturing

13 Process/ Experience Understanding Identifying themes Capturing

14 Patient Journey Information Waiting Going to theatre Recovery/ ward Checks up Leaving

15 Questionnaire

16 Patient Journey Board - Pre

17 Patient Journey Board - Post

18 Patient Journey Information Waiting Going to theatre Recovery/ ward Checks up Leaving

19 Learning…….. What's from here?

20 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2012 Questions/comments

21 Launched in England: Friends and Family Test..... The FFT will require trusts to poll all patients within 48 hours asking if they would recommend a particular accident and emergency department or ward to their friends and family. The Test consists of a simple question: ‘How likely are you to recommend our ward / department to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?’ with a six point scale answer ranging from extremely unlikely to extremely likely. Answers will be made public so that everyone has a clear idea of which hospitals are providing the best care. Next areas to use the test will be: GP surgeries, district nursing and community hospitals

22 21 Friends and Family Test

23 22 A new paper can be found in BMJ Open.......  A systematic review of evidence on the links between patient experience and clinical safety and effectiveness Doyle C, Lennox L, Bell D. BMJ Open 2013

24 23 Key Messages:  Patient experience is consistently positively associated with patient safety and clinical effectiveness.  Patient experience is positively associated with adherence to recommended medication and treatments; use of preventative care such as use of screening services and immunisations;  This study supports the argument that patient experience, clinical effectiveness and patient safety are linked and should be looked at as a group. 23

25 24 An older paper but may be interesting  Wolstenholme D, Cobb M, Bowen S, Wright P and Dearden A (2010) ‘Design-Led Service Improvement for Older People.’ Australasian Medical Journal, vol 3, no 8, pp 465-470  EBD was used as the approach for improving outpatient services in Sheffield. Through using this methodology the project revealed “an outpatient service extends beyond both the clinical encounter and the physical extent of the building.” Outcomes delivered operated “at many levels including individuals, systems and strategy”. 24

26 25 For those who like reading 25 Written by Jennifer Fazackerly this story chronicles he one-year period of her husband Rob ( who was a physiotherapist ) sickness from two weeks after diagnosed until the day he died. This is achieved through story telling and through Email exchanges between Jennifer and two health care support colleagues. Who are co-authors

27 26 New Year Resolution 26 Loose weight Do more exercise Spend more time with family Travel Work more closely with consumers to: Capture Understand Improve Measure The impact of Experience based design for health services ANDAND

28 27 Are there any final Questions/comments

29 Thank you

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