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Deconstructing Standards

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1 Deconstructing Standards

2 not make yesterday wrong, it makes tomorrow better.
What we know today does not make yesterday wrong, it makes tomorrow better. Carol Commodore

3 “Teachers who truly understand what they want their students to accomplish will almost surely be more instructionally successful than teachers whose understanding of hoped-for student accomplishments are murky.” W. James Popham Staging Quote Teachers and students must know and understand the targets of instruction Use this to set up the activity which follows

4 Learning/Achievement Targets
Statements of what we want students to learn and be able to do.

5 Learning Target definition cont.
What students should know, understand and be able to do to master the standard/objectives

6 Without Clear Targets We Can’t Do Any of the Following…
Know if the assessment adequately covers and samples what we taught. Correctly identify what students know and don’t know and their level of achievement. Plan next steps in instruction. Provide effective instruction. Keep track of student learning target by target or standard by standard Give detailed, descriptive feedback to students. Have students self-assess or set goals likely to help them learn more. Select instructional activities that actually help students achieve the target.

7 A Communication Arts Example
Subject Communication Arts Punctuation Page 63 in workbook Punctuation Action Dance Utilize correct punctuation while writing Topic Assignment Activity LEARNING TARGET

8 Deconstructing the Standards is….
….a systematic process to identify embedded LEARNING TARGETS in standards and objectives so that nothing essential is missed during instruction

9 There are 4 types of learning targets…
Knowledge Reasoning Performance/Skill Products

10 “Knowledge” Learning Target
The facts and concepts we want students to know and understand Knowing and understanding facts and concepts Learned outright via reference EXAMPLES: Identify Sight Words Identify similes and metaphors Know defining characteristics of various literary genres Count and group concrete manipulatives by ones, tens, and hundreds to 1,000

11 “Reasoning” Learning Target
The ability to use that knowledge and understanding to figure things out and to solve problems. Mental processes we want students to engage in USING knowledge to solve problems EXAMPLES Make prediction based on evidence Distinguish between fact and opinion Evaluate information from a variety of resources Classify and compare triangles by sides and angles

12 “Skill” Learning Target
The development of proficiency in doing something—heard or seen—where it the process that is important The process is most important Oral presentation Team debate Speak a second language Playing a musical instrument EXAMPLES Read aloud with fluency and expression Use self-correction strategies Use inductive reasoning to find justify the laws of exponents with numeric bases Model, identify and describe square, prime and composite numbers

13 “Product” Learning Target
Using knowledge, reasoning, and skills to design, create, or develop a tangible product; where creating the object itself is the focus of learning Writing sample Term project, exhibit Painting Examples: Develop a grammatically correct sentence Develop a proper paragraph form in a written composition Compose a written composition using the six traits writing process Create a design with more than one line of symmetry

14 Let the DECONSTRUCTION begin:
FIRST STEP: Choose the standard/objective For which the embedded learning might not be consistently identified Once we have “unpacked” our standards we know what are learning targets are and have defined how we will assess the, we are able to think clearly about what combination of instruction and experiences will prepare student both to know what they need to know and demonstrate their learning. This is referred to as intentional teaching.

15 Second Step: Identify NOUNS and VERBS In the standard
Once we have “unpacked” our standards we know what are learning targets are and have defined how we will assess the, we are able to think clearly about what combination of instruction and experiences will prepare student both to know what they need to know and demonstrate their learning. This is referred to as intentional teaching.

16 Identify its ultimate type
STEP THREE: Identify its ultimate type knowledge Reasoning Skill Product

17 Then ask four questions:
What KNOWLEDGE students need? What REASONING proficiencies do students need? What SKILLS do students need? What PRODUCTS do students need to practice?

18 Standard (target) Type Underpinning Learning Targets
Product Product + S + R + K Skill Skill + R + K Reasoning Reasoning + K Identify the types of underpinning targets for types of standards In general: Knowledge level targets will have no reasoning, skill, or product components. Reasoning targets will have knowledge components, but will not require skill or product components. Skills targets require underlying knowledge and reasoning, but not products. Product targets will require knowledge and reasoning, and might be underpinned by skill targets. Knowledge Knowledge

19 What are students asked to produce or create?
DECONSTRUCTING STANDARDS/OUTCOME Standard/Outcome: Type:  Product  Skill  Reasoning  Knowledge Learning Targets What are the knowledge, reasoning, skill or product targets underpinning the standard or benchmark? Product Targets Skill Targets Reasoning Targets Knowledge Targets What must students be able to do? How are they using knowledge and reasoning to perform a task How are students using knowledge to solve a problem, make a decision, form a plan, etc.? What must students know to master this standard? What are students asked to produce or create? Debrief activity - have one or two groups report out and asking for questions/comments. (Put on screen during debriefing.) Emphasize the point that there are two parts to clear targets First standards need to be stated as single concept targets – deconstructing Second the targets need to be put in student friendly language

20 Learning Target VERBS:
Knowledge Reasoning Skill Product Explain Predict Observe Design Understand Infer Perform Produce Describe Classify Do Make Identify Compare Conduct Write Define Analyze Operate Represent Recognize Evaluate Investigate Display Select Generalize Collect Model

21 Deconstructing Learning Targets
Driving a car Knowledge or Understanding Reasoning Performance skills Product

Standard/Outcome: Driving a Car Type:  Product  XSkill  Reasoning  Knowledge Learning Targets What are the knowledge, reasoning, skill or product targets underpinning the standard or benchmark? Product Targets Skill Targets Reasoning Targets Knowledge Targets Evaluate ‘am I safe’ and synthesize information to take action if needed What patterns of reasoning will they need to master? Steering, shifting, parallel parking, … Know the law and Read signs and understand what they mean Debrief activity - have one or two groups report out and asking for questions/comments. (Put on screen during debriefing.) Emphasize the point that there are two parts to clear targets First standards need to be stated as single concept targets – deconstructing Second the targets need to be put in student friendly language What product development capabilities must they acquire, if any? What skills are required if any? What knowledge will students need to demonstrate the intended learning?

Standard/Outcome: Produce writing to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. Type: X Product  Skill  Reasoning  Knowledge Learning Targets What are the knowledge, reasoning, skill or product targets underpinning the standard or benchmark? Product Targets Skill Targets Reasoning Targets Knowledge Targets Hold a pencil correctly Print letters correctly according to DN methods Space words Use lines and margins correctly Stretch out sounds in words to create a temporary spelling of a word… Distinguish the uses or meanings of a variety of words (word choice) Know what a sentence is Understand concept of word choice Write sentences with varied beginnings Debrief activity - have one or two groups report out and asking for questions/comments. (Put on screen during debriefing.) Emphasize the point that there are two parts to clear targets First standards need to be stated as single concept targets – deconstructing Second the targets need to be put in student friendly language

24 Tips for Deconstructing Standards
Read the grade levels before and after to provide overall context. Don’t over analyze each statement. Select “main” category that best fits the entire statement. Determine knowledge/reasoning/skills needed that are not explicitly stated. Deconstruct further as needed.

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