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Leadership Development Inspiring Future Leaders. What does a leader look like?

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Development Inspiring Future Leaders. What does a leader look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Development Inspiring Future Leaders

2 What does a leader look like?

3 I FOUND ONE! Now What?

4  Rotate through different projects  Mentoring Program  Buddy System  Feedback - Coaching

5  It’s about  Discovery  Awareness  And, Choice  A belief that every situation has possibilities and that people really do have the power of choice

6  What does the Coach do?  Hold people accountable and keep them moving forward toward their goals.  Tell the truth, the absolute truth.  Acts as an agent of change.

7 To be Successful in Coaching  Competency must exist  Do they have the skills, ability and knowledge for the task?  Evidence of Commitment  Do they have the drive, confidence, focus and enthusiasm for the task?  Must be willing to go beyond their comfort zone  Must be willing to invest time and energy

8  What do you think are the two most important predictors of success?  All are important factors but One Major Indicator is: Responsibility – being responsible enough to do whatever it takes to produce the necessary results no matter what the circumstances are…  Does being responsible mean maturity?  If you’re responsible you are mature regardless of your age.

9 The Process of Coaching  Starts with … You are HERE. Where is here? How did you get here?  What does the future look like? Where do you want to be? When do you want to be there?

10  Homeostasis – a natural subconscious resistance to change.  Temptation to backslide  We all live within a “system” and we have a tendency to keep things just as they are  Then you have “the dip” typically about 1-2 months into the process. The change isn’t happening fast enough or commitment begins to wear down.

11 Coaching Skill - Listening  Awareness – listening with all the senses and with our intuition – what’s being said behind the words  Impact – what you do with your awareness, the choices you make, will have an impact.  Everything hinges on listening – are they on track, what choices are they making, is there resistance.

12  Keep them Open-ended  What, Who, Why  Keep them Advice-Free  They know the problem better than you  “What’s the best solution to this in your mind?”  “What would it take to make that happen?”  Keep them Short and Simple  Stay curious

13 Coaching Questions  Keep them Thought-Inspiring  How can they look at the problem differently  Keep them Forward-Focused  Don’t get caught up in rehashing old events  Move forward – Don’t get stuck in venting mode  People need to complain before they can create so allow a few minutes, acknowledge and move to problem solving

14 They won’t all make it – you’re never finished

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