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1 Accountable

2 Fundraising - Accountable fundraising 1 A specific example of accountable fundraising is the organization Better The World which allows members to select the charity which receives the money they have raised; members can constantly keep track of the amount raised on the browser sidebar tool.[ dex?id=2488023 Accountable Fundraising On ABC News]

3 Ford Foundation - Democratic and accountable government 1 The foundation says: Effective public institutions are essential for societies to be safe, free and prosperous. The process of governing must be more transparent, accountable and inclusive in order to achieve fairness and equity. The foundation has five initiatives under this issue:

4 Ford Foundation - Democratic and accountable government 1 * Promoting Transparent, Effective and Accountable Government: goal is to improve the transparency, accountability and inclusiveness of government institutions and processes.

5 Ford Foundation - Democratic and accountable government 1 * Reforming Global Financial Governance: goal is to make global financial governance systems more transparent, accountable and effective.

6 Ford Foundation - Democratic and accountable government 1 Almost 50 percent of the grants made under this issue relate to promoting transparent, effective, and accountable government.

7 Accountable care organization 1 According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), an ACO is an organization of health care providers that agrees to be accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of Medicare beneficiaries who are enrolled in the traditional fee-for-service program who are assigned to it.

8 Accountable care organization - History 1 Like the HMO, the ACO is an entity that will be ‘held accountable’ for providing comprehensive health services to a population.4.PNHP history-and-definition-of-the-%E2%80%9Caccountable-care- organization%E2%80%9D/ The ACO-model builds on the [ itemid=CMS1198992 Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration] and the [ sp?filterType=nonefilterByDID=- 99sortByDID=3sortOrder=descendingitemID=CMS023618intN umPerPage=10 Medicare Health Care Quality Demonstration], established by the 2003 Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act

9 Accountable care organization - History 1 Medicare announced 32 ACOs in December 2011,[ Model/ Pioneer ACO Model] 27 in April 2012,[ ounter=4334 FIRST ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS] nearly 90 in July 2012,[ ounter=4405 CMS NAMES 88 NEW] and over a hundred in January 2013.[ for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/News.html Program News and Announcements] The complete list of ACOs[ Accountable Care Organizations] has providers in most states.

10 Accountable care organization - Organization 1 # Provider-led organizations with a strong base of primary care that are collectively accountable for quality and total per capita costs across the full continuum of care for a population of patients;

11 Accountable care organization - Cost savings 1 Medicare Shared Savings Program:Accountable Care Organizations; Proposed Rules

12 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 What Providers Need to Know: Accountable Care

13 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations; Proposed Rules

14 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 A National Strategy to Put Accountable Care Into Practice

15 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations; Proposed Rules

16 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 After the initial set of regulations released in March, 2011, CMS received feedback regarding streamlining the governance and reporting burdens and improving the potential financial return for ACOs willing to make the necessary, and often substantial, investments to improve care.Health Policy Brief: Accountable Care Organizations, Health Affairs, July 27, 2010

17 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 accountable-care10202011a.html

18 Accountable care organization - In the Affordable Care Act 1 * The ACO shall be willing to become accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of the Medicare fee-for- service beneficiaries assigned to it

19 Accountable care organization - ACO Payment Models 1 Medicare Program: Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations

20 Accountable care organization - ACO Quality Measures 1 To address the goal of improving healthcare quality, CMS has established five domains in which to evaluate the quality of an ACO’s performance. The five domains are patient/caregiver experience, care coordination, patient safety, preventative health, and at-risk population/frail elderly health. Department of Health and Human Services: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (2011). Medicare Program: Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations. Federal Register. p.19570

21 Accountable care organization - Providers 1 Accountable Care Organizations: A new model for sustainable innovation

22 Accountable care organization - Patients 1 An ACO’s patient population will primarily consist of Medicare beneficiaries. In larger and more integrated ACOs, the patient population may also include those who are homeless and uninsured. Patients may play a role in the healthcare they receive from their ACOs by participating in their ACO’s decision-making processes.Springgate, B.F., Brook, R.H. (2011). Accountable Care Organizations and Community Empowerment. Health Affairs. p.1800-1801

23 Accountable care organization - ACO Pilots and Learning Networks 1 Health Policy Brief: Accountable Care Organizations

24 Accountable care organization - Challenges 1 Department of justice/federal trade commission issue final statement of antitrust policy enforcement regarding accountable care organizations

25 Accountable 1 A is accountable to B when A is obliged to inform B about A’s (past or future) actions and decisions, to justify them, and to suffer punishment in the case of eventual misconduct

26 Accountable - Administrative 1 Nonetheless, there are independent “watchdog” units to scrutinize and hold departments accountable; legitimacy of these commissions is built upon their independence, as it avoids any conflicts of interests

27 Accountable - Individuals within organizations 1 Another solution, recently proposed by Thompson, is to hold individuals accountable for the design of the organization, both retrospectively and prospectively.Thompson, Dennis F

28 Accountable - Constituency relations 1 Within this perspective, a particular agency of the government is accountable if voices are heard from agencies, groups or institutions outside the public sector representing citizens’ interests from a particular constituency or field

29 Accountable - Contemporary studies 1 The One World Trust Global Accountability Report, published in a first full cycle 2006 to 2008, hp?option=com_contentview=articleid=73I temid=60 is one attempt to measure the capability of global organizations to be accountable to their stakeholders.

30 Accountable - Media and accountability 1 To train people to conduct these kinds of investigations, Charles Lewis (journalist)|Charles Lewis has proposed the creation of a new multidisciplinary academic field called Accountability Studies.... [S]tudents from widely different academic backgrounds are excited about the prospect of learning exactly how to investigate those in power and hold them accountable.

31 Accountable - Accountability standards 1 * AccountAbility's AA1000 series. principles-based standards to help organisations become more accountable, responsible and sustainable. They address issues affecting governance, business models and organizational strategy, as well as providing operational guidance on sustainability assurance and stakeholder engagementWebsite: ex.html

32 Accountable - Accountability standards 1 * Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) 2010 standards. A standard for humanitarian organizations to help them design, implement, assess, improve and recognise accountable programmesWebpage: andard/hap-2010-standard.aspx

33 Pinstorm - Pay-for-Performance / Accountable Advertising 1 Pinstorm is one of the earliest proponents of accountable marketing services or Pay for performance advertising. The company does not charge a retainer fee, media or creative charges. Clients are only charged on the basis of the results their communication campaigns deliver.

34 For More Information, Visit: m/the-accountable-toolkit.html m/the-accountable-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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