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No RTW: Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Coral Seas Video & Questions (class set!)

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Presentation on theme: "No RTW: Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Coral Seas Video & Questions (class set!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 No RTW: Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Coral Seas Video & Questions (class set!) Homework: – None Monday, January 12 th, 2015

2 Pg. 94 RTW: What causes coral bleaching? Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Energy in the Ecosystem notes (pg.95) Homework: – None Tuesday, January 13 th, 2015

3 Energy in an Ecosystem

4 Producers (autotrophs) Sunlight is the main energy source for life on earth Use light (photosynthesis) or chemical (chemosynthesis) energy to make food 1. Plants 2. plant-like protists (algae) 3. Bacteria

5 Consumers (heterotrophs) Organisms that rely on other organisms for their energy and food supply

6 Herbivores—obtain energy by eating only plants Carnivores—eat only animals

7 Omnivores—eat both plants and animals Detritivores- eat dead organic matter. Decomposers- are detritivores that break down organic matter into simpler compounds.

8 Feeding Interactions Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction— from the sun to autotrophs (producers) and then to heterotrophs (consumers)

9 Food Chain—series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten Ex: grass cricket frog raccoon

10 Food Web—network of food chains within an ecosystem Hawks WeaselsRaccoons Mice Grass

11 Food Webs

12 Trophic Levels— each step in a food chain or food web 1. Level 1—Producers (autotrophs) 2. Level 2—Primary Consumers (herbivores) 3. Level 3—Secondary Consumers (carnivores or omnivores) 4. Level 4—Tertiary Consumers (carnivore—usually top carnivore)

13 Make a hypothesis! (Write on the left side of your notebook) Which trophic level contains the most energy?

14 Energy Pyramid shows relative amount of energy available at each trophic level 1. Organisms in a trophic level use the available energy for life processes (such as growth, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, metabolism, etc.)and release some energy as heat

15 Rule of 10—only about 10% of the available energy within a trophic level is transferred to the next higher trophic level

16 Biomass Pyramid 100% 10% 1% 0.1% Biomass Pyramid— represents the amount of living organic matter at each trophic level

17 Represents amount of energy available at each level as well as amount of living tissue— both decrease with each increasing trophic level Energy and Biomass Pyramid (together)

18 Pg. 94 RTW: How much energy is transferred to the next level of a food chain? Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Word Sort Homework: – None Wednesday, January 14 th, 2015

19 Pg. 94 RTW: Draw a food chain, what’s your tertiary consumer? Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Ecosystem & Symbiotic Relationships (pg. 97) Homework: – None Thursday, January 15 th, 2015

20 Organism An organism is an individual living thing, such as an alligator.

21 Organism Population A population is a group of the same species that lives in one area.

22 Organism Population Community A community is a group of different species that live together in one area.

23 Organism Population Community Ecosystem An ecosystem includes all of the organisms as well as the climate, soil, water, rocks and other nonliving things in a given area.

24 Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biome A biome is a major regional or global community of organisms characterized by the climate conditions and plant communities that thrive there.

25 V. Ecological Interactions between organisms A.Competition—when two organisms of the same or different species attempt to use an ecological resource in the same place at the same time. Ex: food, water, shelter

26 Monkeys compete with each other and other animals for food. Rams compete with each other for mates.

27 Until Americans introduced gray squirrels into parts of England in the early 20th century, red squirrels had been the only species of squirrel in the country. The gray squirrels were larger and bred faster and successfully competed for resources. Within a couple years of overlap in an area, the red squirrels disappeared.

28 B. Niche— the ecological niche involves both the place where an organism lives and the roles that an organism has in its habitat. Example: The ecological niche of a sunflower growing in the backyard includes absorbing light, water and nutrients (for photosynthesis), providing shelter and food for other organisms (e.g. bees, ants, etc.), and giving off oxygen into the atmosphere.

29 The ecological niche of an organism depends not only on where it lives but also on what it does. By analogy, it may be said that the habitat is the organism’s “address”, and the niche is its “profession”, biologically speaking. Worm’s Niche “Address”— Soil, Ground, etc. “Profession”– Mix-up soil

30 C.Predation—one organism captures and feeds on another organism 1.Predator—one that does the killing 2.Prey—one that is the food


32 D.Symbiosis—any relationship in which two species live closely together 1. Mutualism—both species benefit (WIN-WIN) a. Ex: insects and flowers Can you think of any other examples that we’ve talked about in class?

33 2. Commensalism—one member of the association benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed. (WIN-0) Example: barnacles on a whale

34 Commensalism The Remora fish attaches to the shark and gets a free ride. Birds build nests in trees.

35 3.Parasitism—one organisms lives on or inside another organism (host) and harms it. The parasite obtains all or part of its nutritional needs from the host. (WIN-LOSE) Example: fleas on a dog

36 Parasitism Wasp eggs on back of caterpillar. Mosquito biting a human. Sea lampreys feed on fluids of other fish.

37 Mutualism, Commensalism or Parasitism?? Parasitism Mutualism

38 Pg. 94 RTW: Give an example of commensalism. Objective: Learn what makes up a coral reef and what types of factors affect it’s productivity. Agenda: – Marine Ecology Quiz – Worksheet Homework: – Finish worksheet Friday, January 16 th, 2015

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