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States of Matter Quiz Chuck Higy. 1. Matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape is a ____. 12345 A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid.

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Presentation on theme: "States of Matter Quiz Chuck Higy. 1. Matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape is a ____. 12345 A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid."— Presentation transcript:

1 States of Matter Quiz Chuck Higy

2 1. Matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape is a ____. 12345 A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid

3 2. Matter in which atoms are tightly held in place is a ____. A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid 12345

4 3. A gas-like mixture with no definite volume or shape that is made up of positively and negatively charged particles is a ____. A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid 12345

5 4. Matter with no definite volume and no definite shape is a ____. A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid 12345

6 5. Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is a ____. A. Gas B. Liquid C. Plasma D. Solid 12345

7 6. Matter in which the particles are free to move in all directions until they have spread evenly throughout their container is a ____. A. Gas B. Plasma C. Liquid D. Solid 12345

8 7. Most matter ____ when heated. A. Condenses B. Contracts C. Expands D. Solidifies 12345

9 8. The theoretical point at which all molecular motion stops is called ____. A. Boiling point B. Absolute zero C. Melting point D. Frozen point 12345

10 9. Compared to most substances, water is unusual because it ____ when it goes from the liquid to solid state. 12345 A. Contracts B. Expands C. Melts D. Diffuses

11 10. The amount of energy needed to change a material from a solid to a liquid is called the heat of ____. A. Condensation B. Evaporation C. Fusion D. Vaporization 12345

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