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Charmonium Dynamics at Thresholds H. Lenske Institut für Theoretische Physik, JLU Giessen and GSI Darmstadt.

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Presentation on theme: "Charmonium Dynamics at Thresholds H. Lenske Institut für Theoretische Physik, JLU Giessen and GSI Darmstadt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charmonium Dynamics at Thresholds H. Lenske Institut für Theoretische Physik, JLU Giessen and GSI Darmstadt

2 Agenda : Charmonium Spectroscopy Charmonium Production Physics Content of Line Shapes 2

3 Charmonium at the DD-Threshold Closed quarkonic channels: confined cc states Closed hadronic channels : sub-threshold DD-states Open hadronic channels : DD-channels 3

4 Charmonium Spectroscopy in the Quark Model 4

5 5 Quarkonium: Confined Systems of Heavy (cc,bb) Quarks cce - e +

6 Charmomium Spectrum in the Quark Model J. Lopez, H.L., 2014 6 Unified description of D-mesons and Charmonium Spectra, wave functions, form factors…

7 Charmonium Production and Spectroscopy at the Threshold 7

8 The „BIC“-view of Continuum Spectra Closed channel E* is embedded into a continuum of open channels E* decays only via interaction V (r) with open channels BIC - Bound State Embedded into the Continuum  Scale-independent, universal phenomenon  8 BIC {

9 9 Quark model description of charmonium and D-mesons „ 3 P 0 “ Lagrangian for pair creation in cc  D(cq)D(qc) coupling Charmonium Wave Function at the DD Threshold

10 10 Channel Coupling and the 1 3 D 1 cc Component of  (3770) Spectral Distribution Spectral Factor

11 11 DD elastic scattering: total p-wave cross section Isoscalar 2  and vector meson exchange plus channel coupling

12 Charmonium Production Scenario: Coherent cc and DD production QuarkonicHadronic 12 Production Form Factor

13 13 Spectral Properties of cc-States (Cornell-Breit Potential) Quark Model predictions for e + e - width and 3 D 1 suppression:

14 14 Wave Function at the Charmonium Threshold Single confined channel b=  (1 3 D 1 ) and single open channnel s=DD: } } Quarkonic „hard“ component Hadronic „soft“ component

15 15 Production Cross Sections at the Charmonium Threshold Single confined channel c=  (1 3 D 1 ) and single open channnel s=DD:

16 16 Charmonium Production@BES III and PANDA: BIC and Fano-Resonances The line shape parameter: Controlling the line shape asymmetry Indicator of the reaction scenario: quarkonic vs. hadronic

17 Xu Cao, H. L., arXiv:1408.5600 [nucl-th] DD-Dynamics at Threshold Channel Coupling and the Line Shape of  ‘‘(3770) 17 3.65 X(3900) ?? q=-2.1 ±0.3

18 Line Shape of Reaction Form Factor and Physics Content q=-0.2q=-1q=-10 Dominance of hadronic production balanced quarkonic and hadronic production Dominance of quarkonic production Line shape controlled by quarkonic content Line shape depends on production reaction Spectral distribution of the SAME final state depend on initial state 18

19 Production of  ‘‘ (3770) and the DD Spectral Distributions (Data: BES Collaboration) Derived Parameters: 19 Xu Cao, H.L., 2015

20 Science 340,716 (2013) Laser-Modelling of Fano-Line Shapes Defining features of Fano-Resonances: Asymmetric line shapes and  R <<m R 20

21 21 Summary and Outlook Charmonium Spectroscopy Dynamics of charmonium production in (e +,e - ), (p,p)… Resonances, closed and open channels Charmonium cross sections and spectral distributions Physics content of charmonium line shapes Charmonium production and spectroscopy at PANDA Production of charmed baryons at PANDA Credits to Xu Cao, Juan Lopez, and Radhey Shyam

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