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11/7/14 Do Now: - Take out your Catcher Books and your informational text graphic organizers. - Pass forward your “What’s on Holden’s Mind?” HW Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "11/7/14 Do Now: - Take out your Catcher Books and your informational text graphic organizers. - Pass forward your “What’s on Holden’s Mind?” HW Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/7/14 Do Now: - Take out your Catcher Books and your informational text graphic organizers. - Pass forward your “What’s on Holden’s Mind?” HW Homework: - Prepare for Socratic Seminar on Monday Content Objective: Students will use their notes and books to prepare information and questions for the Socratic Seminar. Language Objective: Students will record their information and questions on the organizer provided.

2 Looking Ahead Thursday 11/6 – Catcher test Friday 11/7 – Prep for Socratic Seminar Monday 11/10 – Socratic on Catcher Tuesday 11/11 – No School (Veterans Day) Wednesday 11/12 – Start writing essay *Essay due 11/21 11:59pm*

3 To Prepare for Socratic Seminar: - Complete the graphic organizer - Create meaningful questions Be Prepared to address: - Is Holden a typical teenager? - Is Holden suffering for a serious mental health disorder(s)? - Authors craft (why does Salinger write the novel the way he did?)

4 Socratic Seminar Scoring Guide Advanced: Student meets all of the proficient criteria plus one or more of the following:  Actively incorporates others into the discussion  Challenges ideas and conclusions in thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas  Summarizes points of agreement and disagreement  Qualifies or justifies own views and understanding  Makes new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented Basic: Student meets 2-3 of the proficient criteria Below Basic: Student meets only 1 of the proficient criteria Far Below Basic: Student meets none of the proficient criteria Proficient  Student comes to discussion prepared (with completed preparation notes and text)  Uses body language and eye contact to indicate active listening for the duration of the seminar  Both poses and responds to questions  Participates by doing at least one of the following: o Building on the thoughts of others by using appropriate transition words and phrases o Asking clarifying questions o Quoting the text to support a point o Using language of recognition and appreciation to promote collaborative, collegial discussions

5 Catcher Test: - Everyone gets +2 for question 30 - If you answered 2 for question 13 please show us your Scantron for credit.

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