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Basic Projections 2D to 3D

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1 Basic Projections 2D to 3D

2 3D viewing process Specify a 3D view volume Clip against view volume
Project onto a 2D viewing plane Define a window on the viewing plane Apply 2D viewing transformations to map window contents into 2D-image viewport

3 Planar Projections •Perspective: Distance to CoP is finite
•Parallel: Distance to CoP is infinite

4 Parallel Projections •Orthographic: Direction of projection is orthogonal to the projection plane •Elevations: Projection plane is perpendicular to a principle axis •Front •Top (Plan) •Side •Axonometric: Projection plane is not orthogonal to a principle axis •Isometric: Direction of projection makes equal angles with each principle axis. •Oblique: Direction of projection is not orthogonal to the projection plane; projection plane is normal to a principle axis •Cavalier: Direction of projection makes a 45° angle with the projection plane •Cabinet: Direction of projection makes a 63.4° angle with the projection plane

5 Perspective Projections
•One-point: One principle axis cut by projection plane One axis vanishing point •Two-point: Two principle axes cut by projection plane Two axis vanishing points •Three-point: Three principle axes cut by projection plane Three axis vanishing points

6 Perspective Projections

7 One- Point Projections
Center of Projection on the negative z-axis View-plane parallel to the x-y plane and through the origin. -Z +Z (x, y, z) (xproj, yproj, 0) x y xprojected = xd/(d+z) = x/(1+(z/d)) yprojected = yd/(d+z) = y/(1+(z/d) ( ) (x) (x) ( ) (y) = (y) ( ) (z) (0) ( /d 1) (1) (z/d + 1) (0, 0, -d)

8 One- Point Projections
(x, y, z) Center of Projection at the origin viewplane parallel to the x-y plane a distance d from the origin. xprojected = dx/z = x/(z/d) yprojected = dy/z = y/(z/d) (xproj, yproj, d) y x ( ) (x) (x) ( ) (y) = (y) ( ) (z) (z) ( /d 0) (1) (z/d) Mper Points plotted are x/w, y/w where w = z/d

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