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Welcome to The Noon Hour Bible Class “The Twelve”.

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1 Welcome to The Noon Hour Bible Class “The Twelve”


3 The Twelve in Chronological Groups 1. Obadiah, Joel, and Jonah (Early in the divided kingdom). 2. Amos, Hosea, and Micah (Contemporaries of Isaiah). 3. Nahum, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk (prior to fall of the NK). 4. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (post-exilic prophets)

4 Ministry of Obadiah 605-536, Babylonian Captivity Ministry of Daniel 605, 1st Captivity;597, 2nd Captivity 586, Fall of Jerusalem 592-570, Ministry of Ezekiel

5 The Destruction of Edom 1. Edom was an enemy of Israel throughout history. 2. Edom continued into the time of Jesus as Idumea. 3. Edom was not destroyed prior to the time of Christ. 4. OT prophecy is not fulfilled during the CA. 5. The Day of the LORD prophecies are predominately End- Time fulfillments. 6. Edom’s destruction will be during the Tribulation (v. 15).

6 Outline of Joel: I. A type of future Day of the Lord: a locust invasion (1:1–20). II. The future Day of the Lord: a human invasion (2:1–27). A. The invading army (2:1–11). B. A call to repentance (2:12–17). III. Deliverance in the future Day of the Lord (2:28–3:21). A. Israel’s spiritual renewal and deliverance (2:28–32). B. God’s judgment on Israel’s enemy nations (3:1–17). C. Israel’s ultimate restoration (3:18–21). C. The offer of forgiveness and restoration (2:18–27)

7 931-722, Northern Kingdom (Israel) 931, The Kingdom is divided 931-586 Southern Kingdom (Judah) Ministry of Joel

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