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R EADING L ESSON : F ACT, OPINION, & INFERENCE Crystal Merrifield Pleasant Ridge Elementary School 5 th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "R EADING L ESSON : F ACT, OPINION, & INFERENCE Crystal Merrifield Pleasant Ridge Elementary School 5 th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 R EADING L ESSON : F ACT, OPINION, & INFERENCE Crystal Merrifield Pleasant Ridge Elementary School 5 th grade

2 C OMPUTER LAB T ECHNOLOGY S ET UP Computers set up on a network.

3 C LASSROOM T ECHNOLOGY S ET U P Promethean board in my room. Projector mounted in ceiling & connected to desktop. 3 mini laptops Technology issues are reported to our building technology person. She keeps our technology up to date and cleaned.

4 D ESCRIPTION OF L ESSON Topic: Fact, opinion, & inference review Technology Used: Desktop computers Headphones Promethean board & projector 22 students at this point of the day Lesson plan activities – kids & me plan/ plan/ Assessments: pre-test & post-test

5 C OMPUTER L AB T ECHNOLOGY U SED Desktop computer lab with headphones Capabilities: Visit websites Partner work Online submission of work via Research Presentations Lesson creations Organizing data Limitations: Blocked websites User ability levels/experience

6 C LASSROOM T ECHNOLOGY USED Promethean board with projector Capabilities: Interactive lessons Saving the visuals our charts you create as a class Limitations: User knowledge/experience Blocked websites Server issues Help kids in the future: Prepare them for middle school & beyond Word processing skills already beginning Will be familiar with programs in future jobs


8 S UPPORTING D IVERSE L EARNERS Screen shots on instruction page - words highlighted -- more higher level books are available For highly able students, the expectation of quoting more than one piece of text to support your answer is already present in my classroom. I don’t currently use any assistive technology, but Tap-its and an iPad are used in the severe profound room at my school.

9 M ANAGING T ECHNOLOGY Computer lab rules Computer lab routines Entering Assigned computers Headphones Trouble shooting – ask partner, neighbor 1 st – We are here to help each other and learn from each other! Classroom technology routines Return to charging station – don’t plug in Student assigned for charging Rug in front of the Promethean board Holder for pens & remote


11 C LASSROOM M ANAGEMENT S TRATEGIES Proactive management High expectations from the start Students write the expectations & consequences Establish routines Form a community If issues arise: “The Book” for record One-on-one discussions Mini-conferences during recess


13 W AS YOUR LESSON EFFECTIVE ? Quick, efficient review of the skills Before lesson – all skills had been presented 3 times in the lab with online lessons After lesson – knew what to expect with test Each week fewer students are needing assistance Saving Attaching files Online submission Motivation & engagement was increased with the use of technology. Next time, I will have the students do this 2 days prior to the test, so we will have a day to share & go over the submissions prior to the test.

14 LEGAL & ETHICAL COMPUTER USE Students are instructed throughout the year on quoting text properly and citing their sources, when necessary. Response to literature rubric includes the sentence starter “The text says,” as a reminder. RUBRIC Partner work Encourage each other of ethical behavior Allows me to walk around and monitor If any technology rules are not followed or ethical issues arise, they are back to paper & pencil work.


16 T ECHNOLOGY AS A P RODUCTIVITY T OOL Power School: Attendance & online grade boo Email: Communication Spreadsheets: Goal Clarity Window data collection Classroom website: 2-4 days a week blog for parents (

17 T ECHNOLOGY AS A R ESEARCH T OOL www4teach/97/jlyman/de fault/quiz/factopquiz.htm l www4teach/97/jlyman/de fault/quiz/factopquiz.htm l - Fact & opinion review http://www.gamequariu si-p.htmlhttp://www.gamequariu si-p.html - Inference practice Research projects Social studies Author look-ups Book series look-ups Ways to learn or gather resources outside of the classroom: School site Classroom site Edmodo Technology for Distance Learning

18 T EACHING WITH T ECHNOLOGY S TANDARDS The technology standards are preparing our students for life in the 21 st century: a technology-based, fast- paced world. ISTE NETS STANDARDS Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Technologies, such as the Promethean board, projector, mini-laptops, and flip cameras, are being used on a regular basis in my classroom.

19 S O LONG...

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