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CBA Review Test Date: February 14, 2012. Key People Louis XVI: King of France during the French Revolution William & Mary of Orange: King and Queen of.

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Presentation on theme: "CBA Review Test Date: February 14, 2012. Key People Louis XVI: King of France during the French Revolution William & Mary of Orange: King and Queen of."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBA Review Test Date: February 14, 2012

2 Key People Louis XVI: King of France during the French Revolution William & Mary of Orange: King and Queen of England – signed the English Bill of Rights Elizabeth I- Queen of England Peter the Great- Czar of Russia (ruler of Russia)

3 Key People Napoleon: Emperor of France Robespierre: Started the Reign of Terror William Wilberforce: English reformer who was one of the first abolitionist Simon Bolivar: Latin American Revolutionary, the “Liberator”

4 Systems of Government Absolute Government/monarchy: –Government where the king has all the power Louis XVI, Elizabeth I, Peter the Great Limited Government/monarchy: –Government where the king shares power with elected Parliament William and Mary Republic –Government by represntatives

5 Enlightenment Thinkers John Locke: Natural Rights/laws Montesquieu: Separation of Powers Rousseau: Social Contract Thomas Hobbes: Sovereign Authority Voltaire: Religious Tolerance Adam Smith: Free economic system— laissez faire

6 Revolutions What were the major influences of the American Revolution? –Magna Carta, English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, English Bill of Rights Name 3 causes of the French Revolution. –French social divisions (the Estate System) –Impact of the Enlightenment –Financial Crisis

7 Revolutions How did the American and French Revolutions influence the Latin American Revolutions? –The success of the American and the outbreak of the French Revolutions encouraged Latin American colonies to seek independence

8 Revolutions How did the Napoleonic Wars influence the Latin American Revolutions? –When France occupied Spain during the Napoleonic Wars Latin American colonies governed themselves What ideas were carried through the American, French and Latin American Revolutions? –Separation of powers, checks and balances, liberty, equality, democracy, popular sovereignty, human rights, constitutionalism and nationalism

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